Quirkless Panic

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After everyone found out my student is a survivor and has lived through horrors that no hero has ever gone through, Izuku passed out from the blood loss that the gun wound caused. I was able to catch him in time before calling for recovery girl, as I was holding him I realized that he felt light, too light for someone his age, this got me even more worried about him.

 I then placed Izuku down on the ground gently before putting him on his side to make sure he can still breathe. As Recovery girl came over, I moved away to give her some space. While she was examining the young boy's gun wound, Hizashi and Nemuri came up to me as they noticed how horrified I was after holding Izuku.

Hizashi: Sho, what's wrong?

Nemuri: What's wrong with Izuku?

Aizawa: He was too light and not in a good way.

With that line, I saw the same horror translate between the two pros as we all looked back at Recovery girl with the unconscious Izuku.

Recovery Girl: Eraser, come and help me turn Izuku so I can see his other side. It seems that the bullet went straight through.

With that command, I went and helped her turn Izuku around. She was correct about the bullet as it passed through the other side, everything should have been fine until it came to taking off his shirt. As we removed both shirts, everyone around him saw the scars and wounds on his back along with how thin he is.

The worst part was seeing his arms as they were covered in cuts, this horrified everyone including the students. I wished I noticed his behavior sooner and get him the help he needed. Realizing the number of eyes that were on the problem child, I immediately told Hizashi and Nemuri to take the students back to the classroom as I picked up Izuku and went with Recovery girl. As I was accompanied by Recovery Girl and Nezu to the infirmary, questions began circling my head.

What have you been through?

How did you get these scars?

How are you alive this long?

Who did this to you?

Why didn't you say anything?

These questions haunted me the whole trip to the infirmary. Once I got there, I laid Izuku down on a bed before being kicked out by Recovery girl along with Nezu. As I was standing outside the infirmary, a thought kept passing through my head as I bent down in distraught, 'I fucked up.'


As the teachers reached the infirmary, they noticed Aizawa and Nezu outside the door.

 (For the sake of my fingers I will be writing only the first letters of each of the teacher's names so they are AM for All might, VK for Vlad King, E for Ectoplasm, C for Cementoss, and S for snipe along with the ones that were done for Nezu, Aizawa, Present Mic and Midnight)

(this was a late edit so it may get a little messy)

AM: How is Izuku?

A: Recovery Girl is inside tending to him right now.

They were all worried about the young boy after seeing his memories. Nezu took notice of Aizawa as he noticed the erasure hero crouching down in distraught.

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