Loss - 8 years

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WARNING: This chapter contains references of rape and slave trade. Please read at your own discretion.

This is a much longer chapter as this will talk about what happened between Izukus birthday to the present day with in the span of 8 years.

After Izuku and his dad reached the safe zone, they were then taken to a medical tent to be examined and processed. They both came out clean and went to the shelter and went to their tent that they shared with 4 other families.

Both of them were still suffering as they both lost the most important person in their lives. Izuku cradled into his father, and Hisashi wrapped his arms around his son, both cried quietly to avoid waking up the other families.

Izuku fell asleep an hour later, his father, however, didn't sleep as he was still unable to process what happened to his wife. As he looked down he saw his little green bean sleeping, but as he looked longer he started to see Inko in his arms and started to cry more until he fell into a solemn sleep.

DAY 0001 (the day after the outbreak) - YEAR 0

Everyone in the tent was abruptly awoken by a loud horn outside. It was loud enough to wake up a coma patient. As everyone was trying to wake the sleep out of them, a soldier came into their tent.

"Good morning" The soldier called out, making sure to kill what ever beauty sleep was left in everyone.

"My name is Yuske Arata, I will be your supervising officer for the foreseeable future, I am here to give you all your tasks" The soldier added.

"Supervising officer?", "Tasks?", "What does he mean by foreseeable future?" are some questions that the residents in the tent asked.

"I know that you are all confused and have questions, so let me explain." The officer called out, calming everyone down.

"Because of the sudden outbreak, we had to quickly construct safe zones around the zone. These were made last minute, and we are trying to get the safe zone up and running until the outbreak is resolved" The officer answered

"What about the children?" Hisashi asked 

"We've set up temporary schooling for them, don't worry, they will be taken cared of" The officer reassured. The grown-ups were somewhat relieved but were still confused with what's happening.

"So then what are the tasks then?" another parent asked.

"The tasks are given based on the individual's work skills, you will be taken around the base and perform these tasks, once you complete them for the day you will be given your rations" The officer explained.

"Rations?!?!" everyone said in shock.

"Yes, because we do not know how long the outbreak will be, we have to manage our resources carefully" replied the officer.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but unfortunately, we don't have time for all of them." said the officer. "Please head to the HQ tent to be examined and get your tasks for the day. It's the largest tent in the base, can't miss it." that was the last thing the officer said before leaving the tent.

The grown-ups did what they were told and went to the main HQ tent for their examinations and tasks and went right to work. Izuku and the other kids were taken to another tent for examining shortly after and then taken to a tent to have their school.

From that day on, this became the new reality for Izuku and his father.

DAY 0096

it's been 3 months since the first attack and Izuku has come to terms with his mothers' death, although, he still feels guilty of her death. School has been a rough ride, being quirkless unfortunately carries over to different lives, and being quirkless carries on discrimination.

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