Last thing anyone should go through

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 After interrogating the prisoner, Izuku commences his plan and the duo returned back to school to confront his own teachers. There was no time to wait and Izuku knew he had to go now. Chota was visibly nervous after what Izuku told him back at the interrogation and what his plan was. However, he trusted Izuku enough that he would let him shoot him knowing that he would get them out of a hostage situation alive. The Duo reached the school and found several members from the base including one of the lieutenants waiting outside the teachers meeting room.

Chota: You sure you want to do this?

Izuku: Every second we wait is another second closer to Eri's fate. What other choice do we have?

Chota: I know but we don't know if she will actually be there.

Izuku: If she isn't there than there would be no point in heading there to begin with. Whatever plans they have in store they need her there.

With the argument ending in Izuku's favor, Izuku opens the door where the teachers were discussing worriedly with Chota following in. They were caught by surprised to see Izuku outside of dorms, especially past curfew. They didn't know why Izuku and Chota was here.

Aizawa: Izuku? what are you doing here? It's past curfew.

Nezu: Please return to your dorm, there's nothing for you here.

Izuku: Like not telling me about Eri's abduction?

The statement shocked all the teachers as they wonder how Izuku found out about Eri realizing that they were caught.

Vlad king: What?! Ho-?

Before Vlad King could ask, Chota peaked behind Izuku and everyone figured out how Izuku found out. Chota gave them his explanation to avoid angering the teachers.

Chota: He was going to use a shotgun on me, what else was I supposed to do?

With the explanation that left the teachers shocked that Izuku would go to such an extent, they calmed down a bit. everyone except Izuku. Both Aizawa and Hizashi looked at each other and knew they had to tell Izuku.

The two heroes explained to Izuku everything that happened and Izuku was angered that everyone kept it all a secret.

Izuku: Why did you keep this a secret this whole time?! You know the threats that are on the other side.

Hizashi: It wasn't our choice, the military wanted to keep it quiet and it was their decision to keep you out of it.

Aizawa: It was for the best as you were already treated poorly.

Izuku: Yeah, but that doesn't mean to keep your daughters kidnapping from me! 

Midnight: Izuku please.

The teachers could tell that Izuku was angry for being left out of the loop. They knew he was worried but also knew why they had to leave him out. However, another old fear came to fruition when Izuku spoke.

Izuku: let me go and rescue Eri. I know the layout of the Land and-


Aizawa denied the idea before Izuku could finish his pitch, Izuku and the teachers were all surprised by his reaction but soon joined his side as Izuku asked why.

Izuku: What!? why?

Aizawa: Because your not supposed to be involved. Jackson told us to make sure you don't even know.

Hizashi: He told us that if you get involved that you would suffer sever punishments.

Nezu: We saw the punishments they put you through and they only get even worse the more your there.

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