Loss - the outbreak

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WARNING: mentions of cannibalism, body mutilation and mature language. Please read at your own discretion

When Izuku was only 4, he was having his 5th birthday with his mom and dad completely unaware and enjoying each other's company. Bakugo's family were on vacation and were out of town. Izuku didn't have any friends even when he was young, but that was made up with the love of his parents. Even though he didn't have a quirk, they still wanted him to have the best life possible as they didn't see him in the way everyone else saw him but just the way he is.

His mom was a tattoo artist and his father was an accountant. His father saw the discrimination that his family had to go through (Tattoos aren't considered ok in Japan) so he knew what it is like to be quirkless and having a profession that's deemed bad. Inko had clients that were mostly associated with the yakuza, along with tourists and other customers. When word came out about his moms job and how he was quirkless, his father lost his job, but he wasn't upset. He said, "very well, goodbye" and left. He then became his moms accountant and helped run the business.

Despite all the hate the family got, they still persevered and had a successful business and the family were happy. 6 months before Izuku's 5th birthday, the government came and had built a border around almost a fifth of the main land with Musutafu in it. At first, they said it was an order of the new legislature and was for everyone's safety, little did they know what they meant by 'everyone'. The border was composed of up to 3 layers: the inner layer was an ordinary fence, the next one was an electric fence and the final were 35 feet of concrete wall with only 5 entrances: 2 connecting to the rest of the main land, 1 connecting to the upper prefecture and 2 on each side facing the oceans.

(I did try to look up places to help make the story and yes I found out that Musutafu apparently doesn't exist, if I'm wrong let me know)

(another note, this is just a screenshot of the Google map view of a part of Japan)

After the borders were erected, they told everyone that they need a passport to leave and enter the border

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

After the borders were erected, they told everyone that they need a passport to leave and enter the border. Everyone was concerned and didn't realize what was going on until the explosion happened.

While the family were enjoying the night, they all stopped when they felt a loud explosion outside their home. The family put the celebration on hold to go outside to see what happening. When they got out, they saw a huge mushroom cloud coming from a research centre. The view was shared with other neighbors as well as all the residents in the area. Everyone was wondering what was going on as they all witness the facility gone ablaze. The silence travelled around until Izuku broke the seal.

"Mom, dad, what's happening?" Izuku asked.

"W-we don't know" Inko answered.

Concerned for his family, Hisashi(Izuku's dad) took action and hurried his family back inside their home.

"Let's head back inside" Hisashi said in worry

After he spoke he, the family hurried into their home, before they could close the front door, they saw someone tackling someone else down and biting and tearing them apart. With in the nick of time, Hisashi closed and locked the door before hearing loud thudding coming from the other side of the door. The family yelled and scurried away from the door.

uncurable pain (My Hero Academia X The Last Of Us)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ