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Hey Everyone sorry that the last chapter took so long. Like I said at the end IT was extremely difficult to figure out the events in Izukus life that lead to the present day.

Thankfully this chapter won't be over an hour (yes I did check how long it would take and that scared me when I found out). The next chapter will be interesting and that's just trying to avoid spoilers. while working on the third chapter I had some ideas of what would happen in the later chapters which is kind of annoying cause that almost lead to multiple branches in the story. Before I even did the first chapter, I just made a skeleton/idea page of what each chapter was going to talk about but they were only bare ideas so it will take some time to create the chapter. That and school being in the way.

Don't worry the next chapter is in the works and may take some time to create.

Please feel free to comment and give me feedback as I am still new to writing. Hope you enjoy the chapter:)

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