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Hey Again, so I might have went over board with the current chapter I'm working on. To give you an Idea of what I mean and what will happen. 

So I was working on the chapter and got quite far into the chapter when I realize that it's a mess. Here's some of the things wrong.

- the chapter is too damn long (passes 10,000 words and goes over an hour of reading)

- Too many things were happening in the chapter

- The story is sort of all over the place

Ever since the last chapter release, I went a little over board with the word count with the new chapter that it was so close to the word count of the recent one.

I have a plan to fix these Issues and give a better story but know that it will take longer to do. I will be doing this by take the content from the working chapter and turn them into their own chapters.  This will give me more space to refine the story and make it even better. This also means you guys will have more chapters and since the content for these chapters are al ready made (for the most part). I'll just have to pull them into a new chapter and do some touch ups(proof reading, editing, you get the idea).

This does mean that the next chapters will be out *soon but I don't want to put a hard date as I am still in school and I want to take my time to make sure the chapters are the best version possible.

* could be in by next week or the next day

Also these chapters will be a lot shorter to help move things along more

uncurable pain (My Hero Academia X The Last Of Us)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon