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NOTE: This chapter is a sort of in-story update of what happened after Izuku got into UA. This is just to set you into what happened and to give some context on the other side

WARNING: This chapter does contain references to rape and abuse.

Izuku has been in school for a couple of months now and is about to turn 14 which also means his mother's anniversary. He hadn't made any friends in his class as they all stayed away from the 'quirkless person' as they called him. At least it wasn't depriving as 'quirkless mistake' that he was called back at the base. The whole time no one knew where he lives or even noticed the scars he was getting on his body since he kept those secrets away from them. He thought that they don't need to know the horrors that he went through. Since the school now had students wear their winter uniform it was a little bit easier to hide the scars on his arms as the sleeves took the job of hiding them and didn't lead to any more suspicions to arose.

Back at work at the military base, There was a new officer that was appointed there who was a bit out of whack. He goes by the name Chota had a sort of bird's head that had no eyes and the beak was open with a human mouth inside (if you all caught on which anime this character is from based on just this description, I am impressed, the picture will

e placed below), it kind of looks like they were a blind bird. He was super cheerful and did his best to try and befriend Izuku. Even when Izuku wanted to be alone, Chota will always find out where he is and reattempt to befriend the boy. The guy can get super annoying and even went a little far by reading Izuku's file. Finding out what happened to him made him just make him want to befriend the kid even more.

One day when Izuku was alone, Chota came up to him and asked him about his life and slipped in the day his mother died into the conversation (BIG MISTAKE). The second Izuku heard that he got so angry that he pulled his katana on the officer not caring if he was violating the rules. He was just so pissed that he read his file that he was willing to kill the guy. As Chota was pinned done, he continued talking.

"WOOOOOOOOOOW, you really know how to sweep someone off their feet," said Chota jokingly knowing that he hit a nerve.

"SHUT UP! DON'T YOU EVER BRING UP MY MOM AGAIN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" Izuku said with a wave of enraged anger that would beat Bakugo's angry phase for a year.

You would think that after that day Chota would stop, but he kept tiring to be friends with Izuku, even if it almost gets him killed. After what seemed like months, Izuku gave in and became his friend although he still kept his distance from him as he did with everyone else. Work has been less kindly as the punishments got even worse and even went as far as chaining him to a pole outside and having to wait until his punishment is over no matter what elements were outside unless it's a thunderstorm as they still needed Izuku.

The school, on the other hand, was an even bigger nightmare, Izuku was trying to keep his life a secret even to the length of just meeting the bare minimum, which angered everyone. during the night Izuku would practice on his own and even get back into singing (hasn't sung in a while due to classes). Even though Izuku hides his true strength and suffers for it, like one time he was suspended for being early to class to avoid every one of his classmates. His teachers didn't like him and even gave him extra homework, which he does and passes into class just to maintain their anger. Ever since the last attack, the school had all the students move into dorms.

This scared Izuku as he was not allowed to leave the refugee camp that was on the base. Thankfully, Commander Jackson (who has moved through the ranks) gave him a letter that allowed him to move into the dorms even though Izuku asked him to write a letter to get him out of it. The Commander knew that Izuku's life on the base was even worse and told him that this would at least reduce the punishments.

The class were aware of the infection but have never in their entire lives witness any of the atrocities nor seen an infected at all. However, moving into dorms did not stop the raping from happening and even worse his rapist has now become a teacher. So whenever he goes to the washroom or changing room, he has to go with the fear that the 'pro' would come in and abuse him in there. This made it even harder to hide his wounds as he would have to cover them up with the already dirty bandages he has.

When Izuku moved in, he only brought what he needed such as a blanket, books and supplies, his medical bag, along a couple of clothes that haven't been torn or covered in blood. He didn't have a bed as he was so used to sleeping on the floor that it wasn't a requirement. That and he couldn't bring any furniture as he couldn't use a moving company to help out and he had practically nothing to bein with.

Even though he is now a student, he was still sent out on missions to the deadlands as his medical skills were needed. But now, his missions were even more deadly as when he goes out, some people tried to kill him. Sometimes it's easy and he can slip past them other times he was hunted and has to kill to escape. He was able to get most of the things he had from his hangout spot including his guitar and camera. When he returns from the missions and returns to school, all that waits are even bigger punishments.

Izuku began keeping a diary recording some of the things he's been through, even the worst ones. He hid it from everyone as he was worried that they might see him even lower than they already do.


So this chapter took a little less time to fine-tune as I already went through it before. The next chapter will be out soon and may get shorter or longer depending on what I want the chapter to focus on

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