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(You were sitting in the office of the daycare filling out a weekly report. You had to do this every Friday and it was to just make sure everything was okay and Sun was working properly. You forgot you had left the door open and Sun snuck in. You didnt hear him and he jumped onto you and you yelled and then started to laugh as you realize it was just Sun.

"Sun you cant do that!" You said in between laughs. He started to tickle you and you both laughed until he finally got up amd decided to let you do your work. While you finished filling out papers though he sat right next to you and watched. He would smile everyone you looked over at him and you smiled back)

(It was a little after the daycare closed and there was still a kid there. Sun occupied the child until his parents got there. The kid was obviously very upset because every now and again he would stop playing and cry or throw a fit. Sun always calmed him down ans they kept playing. You were in your office and watching them on the security cameras. You smiled as you watch Sun try to play rock paper scissors with the child. You thought it was cute that he was so good with kids. He was programmed to get along with children but you still found it cute. Eventually the kids mom finally came and got him and Sun fell back dramatically on the play mat. He glanced over qt the camera and groaned loudly cause he knew you were watching. You giggled and walked out of your office and went to the play mats where Sun was.

"Oh Sunshine im soooo tired! Be a dear and take me to my charging station??" He said this as dramatically as he could and you smiled and walked to him. You helped him up and walked hand and hand with him to his charging station. He smiles and kissed you on the forehead.

"Thank you Sunshine..")

(You had just arrived at the daycare. The lights were off and that was a off because they're usually still on. You didnt get there late either so you didnt understand wht the lughts were off. You didnt think much of it except for now you must look out for Moon. You didnt really like him. He was a bit aggressive but you delt with it. He wasnt mean to you or tried to hurt you so he was okay. You sigh and walk to your office. You get there and gasp as Moon was just sitting on your desk.

"Y/n~~ nice to see you again~!" You chuckle and shake your head, "Nice to see you too but you need to get off my desk. I have work to do." He rolls his eyes, "Wooork? Aw come on! We could just hang out and play a game or something. Im soo bored! The lights went out earlier today and i have no idea what to do! Im never out for this long.."

"Well let me do my work then we can play a game." He groans and gets off of your desk. You walk over, sit down and begin filling out papers. Moon watches you the whole time. He got a notification that the lights are coming on soon, you didnt though because he was programmed to get these types of notification. He smirks and gets close to you. You look at him and your face slightly turns red, "Why.. Are you uh.. So close..?" He puts his hand on your waist and pulled you close. He didnt say anything and this scared you. Right as he was leaning in to kiss you the lights turned on and he transformed back into Sun. Sun quickly realized the position he was in and his face turned completly red. He then gasps and jumped back away from you, "Oh gosh sunshine im so sorry! That was so weird! Oh- Was Moon trying to kiss you..?" Yoy noticed how sad he sounded when he asked that. You nodded, "I wasn't going to kiss him back though. I was gonna to push him away i swear. I wouldnt wanna kiss him anyways heh.." Sun smiled a bit and nods, "Well thats good.. He didnt do anything else did he sunshine?" You smiled and shook your head no. You both just smiled and looked at eachother.)

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