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You made your way up the stairs to Vanessas office. You were shaking, you were so scared that she was just going to kill you as soon as you got up there. You kept walking despite all of the horrible thoughts that ran through your head. You got to the half way point of the stairs. You stood there for a moment then kept going. Eventually you made it to the top and stared at Vanessas office. You close your eyes and put your hand on the door knob. You opened the door and look inside.

It was different. There waant sticky notes everywhere anymore; there were no more staff bot parts. Did she clean her office? Why? You walk around and look at everything. It looked like a regular office. You started to go through the desk and look in other small places in case theres something hid. You groan because you couldn't find anything. You then looked towards the vent. You go to it and open it. You gasp. Vannys mask! Why was it here though? You picked it up noticed the blue ribbon she wears was there too. Where was the costume? You look around the room to make sure it wasnt a trap. You then focused your attention back on the mask. You looked uo and looked into the vent. There was a staff bot head. That wasnt there a second ago. Your eyes widen and stared at it.

It fell over on its side; you gasp and drop Vannys mask. You kept an eye on it as you backed away and quickly closed then locked the office door. You kept your eyes on the vent as you slowly approached it once more. You take a deep breath and crawl into the vent. You crawl through and arrived in a room youve never seen before. It had things from the daycare in it. It had the large foam block things and tons lf children's toys. Why is all here? You walk further into the strange room and notice a window. You could see the daycare. Was this behind the daycare? You then continue to look around the room looking for clues. You see Princess Quest 2. You wondered why those arcade games are scattered around the pizzaplex. You've seen the first one and then the third one was on the way up to Vanessas office.

You approuch the game and hit start to see if it would do anything. You screamed as everything went dark. Once you could see everything again you weren't in the same room. You were in a dark room with black and white tiles. "What the fuck..?" You think you're insane until you look down and notice you were wearing a bright yellow poofy dress and you had a large sword in your right hand. You think about evening and put the peices together; you were in the game. You were the princess. You had no choice but to fight through this and make it out of the game. So you do just that, you fight off many monsters and eventually made it to the last room. By now your dress was a little dirty from running and ripped in a few places from where you got hung on something. You open the big chest in the middle of the room and find a big key. You look to the large door in front of you. You walk up to it and put in the key then open the door. Everything went black again and when the lights were back you were in the daycare room  again. That was crazy. That machine just put you into the game! It didnt shock you too much though; there was a crazy rabbit lady and killer animitronics running around.

You back away from the machine and go back to the window. All of a sudden Moon slams into tue window, you scream and fall down. You look at him and watch as he scratches against the glass. He started to screech,  "Y/nn-nn~ let me i- in-house n- He-hel-" he then fell down. You run to the window and saw that he had landed on his feet and scattered off. Hel? Help? Was he trying to say help? What has Vanessa done to him?

(Sorry for the short chapter lol)

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