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It was your first night working at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex. Just walking into the front doors gave you chills, you've heard of so many disappearances here. You were afraid of going missing as well of course but this is the only job you could find in this town that pays a lot and is quite easy. Well, the job you got hired for is easy. Your a nighttime security gaurd. Vanessa is also a security guard, she does cover a lot of the Pizzaplex while you work around the daycare; for now. You're just a beginner so they decided to just keep you in one section for now until you can prove you can guard more than just the daycare. They started you there because Sundrop has little to no complaints and reports so he would be the easiest to look after, unless the lights go out, then he turns into Moondrop; who is a bit of a pain to keep up with and look after.

Moondrop was the only thing you were afraid of with your job, he has horrible reports and complaints; probably some of the worst ones out of all of the animitronics. You had read all of them before working here, he had the majority of the missing persons reports. You wouldn't have took the job because of Moon but you really needed the money so you were going to take the chance.

You disregarded all of the horrible thoughts running through your head and made your way to the daycare. You arrive and just see a slide that says ' ENTER HERE '. You roll your eyes and walk around to look for a different entrance. 'Seriously?' You thought to yourself. There were no other entrances. You had to go down the slide. You sigh and sat down at the top of the slide. You then slid down and landed into a ball pit. You then began making your way out of it; but as you started walking something jumped into the ball pit with you. You gasp and start to try your best to run through the colorful spheres. Before you could reach the foam mats you were picked up by whatever had jumped in the ball pit with you. It turns you around and you realize that it was just Sundrop. "Heello! Oh your my new friend! Oh we will have so much fun! You'll be here all night, we can stay up the whole time! We can do crafts and play tag in the play tunnels! Anything you want!"

You giggle softly as you looked down at the tall, scrawny animitronic. You found him oddly comforting, that is why he was made though. He was supposed to be comforting. "Oh new friend! I havent even asked your name!" You smiled, "My name is y/n, and your Sundrop right?"

"Yes! Or Sun, or Sunny, or Drop! You can call me whatever i dont really mind" You nodded and tried to get down from Sun's grip, "Hey uh.. I kinda need down. I need to go to the security office" Sun stopped smiling like he always did and nods. He put you down and put up another smile but this one wasnt as real as when you first saw him. "I forgot you actually had to work.. I guess we cant do everything together all night.. You can still hang out with me kost of the time right?!" You chuckle and shake your head no, "Not most of the time. I have to do my job like im supposed to so i get paid, then maybe i could work my way up to being the security guard for more areas." His smile faded again. "You dont want to just be here? You want slumber parties with the others..?"

Tou shake your head no once again, "No of course not. Between you and me, i find the others a bit creepy" There it was again. That big grin of his, you started to like it already and you met him not even ten minutes ago.  "Oh thats great friend! I dont really like them either.. They're a bit mean to me.. Moon must make them mad because the lights will go out and he'll wake up, he must cause trouble because when the lights are back on i wake up and one of them is yelling at me or trying to hurt me." You frown as you listened to him. How could someone be mean to someone so sweet? Well its not his fault, its Moon's. "Well that doesnt sound too great huh? Well.. If the lights go out I'll make sure Moon stays here and doesn't get you in trouble. We don't want those other animitronics being mean to someone as sweet as you" His smile grew brighter, it was so beautiful. "Oh thank you friend! The other guards werent able to do that. Vanessa said that as soon as they met him they quit. Oh.. Uh.. You uh.. You wouldn't quit would you? Youd stay?"

"Well of course I'd stay. I'm sure I'm way better than those other guards" His face brightens, "Oh yes yes yes! You seem way more different than the rest.. I like you way more y/n! Your much sweeter than the others that have worked here, none of them really liked me. They seemed afraid" He frowned once again. He was a very sensitive animitronic, it made you wonder if any of the other ones were capable of feelings or if he was the only one. Could Moon feel things like Sun? "Well I'm not afraid of you. You're too sweet to be avared of" You could of swore that he blushed. He turn his face away before you could aee though. "Oh stop.. You're too kind" He waved his hand toward you and you smiled in return.

"Well I've gotta go to the securtiy office now. I have a few things I need to sign and I'll be right back" He quicky turned back to you, "Promise?" You tilted your head. "You promise you'll be back..?" "Oh yes of course! Im just going over there" You pointed towards the office. He then nods and moved slightly as he stood there. You then began to make your way to the office, you arrived at the door and soon realized that Sun had followed you. You didnt say anything and sat down at the desk. He mimicked you and sat in a chair that he had pulled up. You giggled, "What are you doing?" "Well I have nothing else to do so I'm just gunna stay with you. Is that alright friend?" You nod sweetly and got the papers you needed to fill out. You grabbed a pen and began to sign and write out things.

Sun sat there the whole time watching. You were there for maybe an hour and Sun had sat there quietly the whole time with a big smile on his face. A few minutes after you stacked the papers back up and put them down a noise came from the play area, it sounded like something being knocked down. It caught your's and Sun's attention you stood quickly and so did he. You made your way to the door and walked out. You see Vanessa picking up one of the time and stacking ot back up. You walk out of the office with Sun and go up to her.

"Hey Vanessa! I uh, i filled out those papers and put them back on the desk" she nods, "Oh good! Um i was just checking up on ya. I accidentally knocked some things over-" she said as she pointed to the tins. Sun was rearranging them, both of you were looking at him and his face flushed. "They uh.. They go in a certain order.." He said quietly. Vanessa nods, "Oh yeah, i forgot scout that Sun, sorry" he nods and returned to your side. "Well i guess ill be in my way.. Good luck y/n!" She then hurried off after waving to you. That was weird. She was acting really odd; what was up with her?

"I dont like her.. I think she has something to do with the rabbit person that skips around the building.." You looked up at Sun, "Rabbit person?" He nods, "Theres this person that hops around the Pizzaplex in a bunny costume. It had a knife. I'm scared its going to hurt someone.." You look shocked as you listened to him. A person that walks around in a bunny costume and has a knife? "Is it just at night?" "Yes, it comes in here sometimes.. It stares at me, it waves and it goes on.. I stay up on my stage of course; no one can get there except for me.. I'm the only one that has a key to the door up there. They don't allow the securtiy guards keys ti the animitronics rooms. In case of a threat to us we're programmed to hide there and no one can get to us because no one else has the key. We actually have the keys made into our hands an- oh dear.. I've said too much. I wasn't supposed to say that! Oh no no no.. Oh gosh-" "Hey its okay! I promise i won't tell another soul" He was a bit twitchy now, "oh-oh-oh- ok-okay.." He seemed to have glitched a bit. "Sorry i glitch and twitch when i do something wrong.. The other animitronics used to do that but they all got fixed up, well the main ones did.. They get special treatment because they're the stars.. None of the others ones get regular upgrades"

"Well thats horrible.. If I work here longer and get a better position than security gaurd then I'll make sure that will change okay?" He smiled brightly and nkds quickly, "Oh that would be grand!! Id love that so much.. Maybe I could a clothing upgrade! I could use some new stripes hehe"

He giggled a bit after his sentence and you couldnt help but find it adorable. You quickly shook the thought away. You cant be thinking like that about a animitronic.

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