"Of course, this isn't a finished model yet, and there are still quite a few tests to be done. But ..." She hesitated briefly and glanced nervously at the apparatus. "I'd be glad if you'd sit in on a test or two, too. We won't find someone with your skills anytime soon. In fact, probably never. Your feedback has really helped me a lot. You're really pleasant to work with."

"I'm sure he could sacrifice an hour or two. It shouldn't be up to me because it would be completely against my idea if we didn't continue working on the project now," Levi suddenly heard a familiar voice at his back and felt Erwin put a hand on his shoulder. "I think it would also be in Levi's best interest to continue testing as long as time and his health permit."

"Sir - I mean - Commander Smith," she stammered, looking at him with wide eyes. At that, she indicated such a sudden salute that the hilt almost fell from her hand, and she waved her hands around in a panic to prevent it from falling.

Erwin laughed and gave her a warm smile. "I am still a mere officer."

"I'm sorry, I thought it was already settled since Hange used that rank when she mentioned you."

"So Hange was already here. Why am I not surprised?"

"She ... she just spoke highly of you."

"I even believe that."

"You really helped my comrades in Shiganshina. Without the Survey Corps' backing, the wall garrison wouldn't have been able to save so many people. And that's even though you had already suffered so many casualties before."

Erwin did not answer immediately but turned his gaze thoughtfully to the maneuvering equipment still on the table. "Unfortunately, we could not save everyone, and only a few of us were stationed in Quinta. But even those are now either encircled there or already dead while our hands are tied. I am sorry that you had to leave so many more people behind than we did in Shiganshina. If I could have done anything about it, I would have."

Questioningly, Lily looked first at Erwin, then at Levi. Even she hadn't missed the sudden shift in mood.

"I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have said anything. I'm sure the Survey Corps is struggling with what happened even more than we are since you were right on the front lines."

"No, it's all right," Erwin tried to reassure her, massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers as if something was causing him pain. "I'm just a little overtired, sorry. I think I can leave the rest of the arrangements to you two. Just go straight to Levi when you're ready," he replied, casting a quick glance at Levi. "I'm sure he'll be able to assess his own capacities."

Levi eyed him skeptically from the side before looking to Lily and nodding.

Immediately the smile returned to her lips, and she made a joyful leap forward to take his hand. "I'm looking forward to continuing our good work together, Levi."

He first gave her a puzzled look before giving an amused snort and shaking her hand as well. He didn't miss the way Erwin eyed him intently from the side as he did so, and he raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Anything else you want to say?"

He seemed to wake up from his daydream at these words and ran his hand through his face again in a tired gesture.

"You really should go crash."

"And you shouldn't talk in that gutter language," Erwin replied somewhat irritably.

Levi only made a disparaging sound in response.

"I ... um, get back to you when I know something more, okay?" asked Lily hesitantly, noticing the sudden tension between the two.

Levi acknowledged her question, and she nodded to them both again before smiling shyly and slowly retreating to the back of the workshop.

No Choice (Eruri)Where stories live. Discover now