Not as tough as she looks -W.M

Start from the beginning

"Don't act like you weren't at all curious about their date!" Tony retorted to the other 3 when he thought Wanda wasn't in hearing range. But she heard it loud and clear.

"She doesn't need to know that!" Sam retorted back, barely audible.

"Hello, my love!" Her girlfriend, Emma, said as soon as Wanda opened the door.

"дорогая, you made it!" Wanda gave her a quick peck on the lips. (Dear)

"Well, I did say that I'm gonna spend the night here." She shrugged before taking Wanda in her arms and hugging her.

When they pulled apart a few moments later, Emma let her hands wander to Wanda's face.

"I love what you did to your hair!" She says making Wanda let out a laugh.

"The guys put dye in my shampoo, I guess it's gonna stay like that for a few days." Wanda giggled, no longer feeling annoyed.

"Good thing it looks good!" Emma complimented her once again.

"Come on." Wanda took a hold of her hand and dragged her inside.

The team had met her a few times so she wasn't nervous about seeing them. She was aware that they didn't fully trust her since they don't really know that much about her. Only the little she told them, and what Wanda has been telling them if she was sharing anything at all.

But Wanda made everyone shut up when she told them that she trusts Emma. And knowing Wanda doesn't trust people that easily, made it easier for them to welcome Emma whenever she comes to the compound.

When the couple arrived in the living room Emma saw the 4 men stuck to the ceiling.

"Hi!" They all said at the same time.

"Hi?" She said in a questioning voice.

She turned to look at her girlfriend confused, but Wanda just shrugged her shoulders.

"You know what, I'm not even gonna question it." She let out a small laugh before being dragged by Wanda out of the room.

"Hey! Wanda! Don't forget about us!" Tony yelled after her.

"Let us down!" Clint yelled as well.

Too bad she wasn't done with their punishment yet.

"You are not gonna let them down any time soon, are you?" Emma giggled when they were out of ear-shot.

"Nope. They deserve it." Wanda let out a cheeky smile.

"I'm not saying they don't, they definitely do." Emma continued to laugh.

When they arrived in Wanda's room, Emma jumped on the bed and laid on her front with her arms and legs spread out, like a starfish.

"солнышко, make some room for me, will you?" Wanda giggled. (Little sun)

"I love when you speak in sokovian with me." Emma muttered.

"I know."

"And I love your terms of endearment, I might not know what they mean, but they make my heart flutter anytime you say them." Emma turned on her back to look at her girlfriend.

"And that's why I keep on saying them, мой любимый." Wanda settled in the bed with her. (My beloved)

Emma made some quiet noise when she heard the nickname again.

"There you go again, making me all blushy and unable to do basic normal things." She said with a blush on her cheek. But her smile could light up the whole room in Wanda's opinion.

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