
     "No," Max immediately says, stopping Marcus from saying anything.

      Denzel was expecting Max to start throwing a fit like how he would usually do, or maybe even say something to embarrass Edith, but to their surprise, Max calmly looks at Edith and slowly bows his head at her before saying, "I hope you enjoy your dinner in our humble home. If you may excuse me..."

     Edith wasn't expecting the response as she turns to look at Denzel who was just as surprised. Max then turns back around to face Étienne to tell him, "Get my coat and my car keys. I'm going to eat outside."

     "Yes master," Étienne answers with no hesitation, immediately turning around to get what Max was asking for.

      Max was about to leave the dining room, but Denzel immediately called out for him. "Max, eat with us," he says.

      Max takes a deep breath to calm himself down. Never in a million years would he have expected to see his father bring his mistress to their very home. Despite wanting to scream or even drag Edith out, Max remained quiet.

      He and his father didn't really make up, but after what happened to them, and after what they talked about when Max got his inheritance back, Max wasn't angry anymore. This doesn't entirely mean he will accept this kind of arrangement, but Max just realized that being mature with the situation is currently the best thing he can do for now.

     "I would love to, father," Max says before looking over his shoulder. "But I don't want to lose my appetite."

     But of course, that doesn't mean Max can't be petty like how he always is. It wouldn't be Max if he wasn't.

     "You coming Marcus?" Max then asks his brother.

     Marcus, who was grinning because of Max's reply, shook his head and answered, "No, I'll eat in my room. You enjoy your night."

     Max smiles and walks away, leaving both Denzel and Edith dumbfounded. When Max got to their lobby, Étienne arrived with his coat and his keys, but before handing it over to him, Étienne helped Max wear his coat instead.

      "The valet has parked your car at the front master," Étienne says as he hands Max his keys this time. "Do you not want me to come with you?" He then asks as Max adjusts his coat.

     "I would have told you told come if I already intended you to come," Max answers. "Besides, I want you to eavesdrop on that old man and that tasteless woman. I want you to report it to me later. It would be troublesome if they backstab me in my own home after all."

     "I believe that would be unlikely, but I'll do as you request," Étienne answers back. He then opens the front door, the cold air from outside making him shiver in an instant.

     "Are you sure you'll be alright?" Étienne continues to ask with a worried tone, making Max chuckle.

      "Why are you all acting like I'm a kid? I'll be fine. I'll see you later."

     Étienne walks Max to his car and opens the door for him. Max goes in and sits on the driver's seat, but before Étienne could close the door, he leans towards Max and tells him, "You handled the situation very well, master Leigh. I'm proud of you. You really aren't a kid anymore."

     Max doesn't say anything as Étienne finally closes the door for him, but Max couldn't help but smile after hearing what his butler just said. 

     Étienne then steps aside so Max could drive away, but then Max puts his window down and suddenly adds, "Oh yeah, make sure she doesn't go anywhere else in the house. If he dares to bring her to his bedroom, call me immediately. I can tolerate seeing her in our dining room, but if she goes beyond that, I'll grab her by the hair and drag her out of my house myself."

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now