Chapter 44

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"Just trying to diffuse the tension!" Tris said looking up at Fred while running alongside him. All of the deatheaters were still running behind them and shooting hexes and curses in every direction. Tris and Fred ducked every chance they could but they still couldn't dodge every spell while they were running for their lives at the same time.

"This way!" Fred shouted as he continued pulling Tris through the dark and dusty hallways. "There it is!" Tris shouted as her and Fred now had hope of escaping this hellhole. The front door was right in front of them. Fred and Tris gave it their all and ran as fast as they could to the front door of the old raggedy mansion that they were living in for the past day or two.

"Bombarda Maxima!" Rose shouted from behind Fred and Tris. The front door in front of them exploded right in front of their faces. Everything was dusty and no one could see anything. "Nice going, Snape. You better hope that they aren't dead." Dolohov said as he brushed past Rose who was grinning from ear to ear.

The deatheaters were now moving the debris of the blown up doorway and wall and were looking for the two teens who had just tried to escape. "They're not here!" Bellatrix screamed. "What? How is that possible? There's no way they survived that explosion-" Rose started. "You better hope they did, Snape. Or it's your head on the chopping block next." Dolohov said down to Rose.

The smirk on her face now evaporated to an evil frown. She turned around and looked out into the darkness trying to figure out how those two weak and useless Gryffindors, escaped her explosion.


"Come on Fred! Just a little farther." Tris said as she now was trying to carry a 6'3" ginger across the dark and cold forest grounds. Tris and Fred finally made it to a little clearing in the forest as far away from that mansion as they could. As gently as she could, she set Fred down on a fallen tree so they both could catch a breather before trying to figure out how apparition works so they could get back home to Hogwarts.

Once she set Fred down, she tried to regain her balance but failed to do so. She wobbled for a quick second but eventually fell to the ground. She was exhausted but so was Fred. They were both staying strong for each other. "Tris-" "No, I'm fine, Fred. Don't get up." she said as she just decided to remain on the ground. "So you gonna tell me how we escaped that explosion back there?" Fred said as he tried to get the dust and small debris out of his hair.

Tris was looking down at her ring and was spinning it around on her finger. She looked up at Fred with a smile on her face and held her hand in front of her face. "Your ring?" Fred said with a look of confusion on his face. "Yeah, I think so. See, when George gave it to me, he said there was more to it than it just being a promise/anxiety ring. He said that in my most desperate need of help, it would protect me. Now I know what he meant by protecting me. When I was holding onto you, it must've protected you from the explosion as well." she said as she started spinning the ring on her finger once again.

Fred didn't say anything and just nodded his head before going back to removing the debris and dust out of his ginger locks. As she sat on the ground, she then reached up to her neck and grabbed the necklace George had given her for Christmas. She took it off from around her neck and laid it on the ground in front of her. "What are you doing?" Fred said confused. "Are you mad at George? Don't be mad at George, I know he's out looking for us and he still loves you-" "Fred! I'm not mad at George. Just- look." she said as she giggled up at Fred.

Tris then leaned over and opened the little charm that was attached to the necklace. Holograms of all the memories of her and George now were scattered throughout the forest. Fred's mouth dropped open in amazement. When Tris was looking at all of the memories that were going on around her, she noticed new memories were added.

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