"What the hell happened?" He whispered.

Haven ran her hand down her pants as a way to wipe away the thin sheet of sweat that had formed there on her palm. Marco waited impatiently for an answer.

"We had dinner. He showed up to my place with roses and vodka and it was so...perfect."

Everything about it was perfect. Even when haven damn near cut her foot off, that was perfect. As long as Hoseok was there it was all flawless and amazing.

"And..." Marco urged, knowing there was more. He could just feel it.

Haven nibbled on her bottom lip and looked to the side.

"And he...wants to have dinner again next Sunday." Haven said.

"Haven!" Marco exclaimed.

"I know I know." Haven said calmly although she was freaking out on the inside.

"This is like...a gigantic deal. Our favorite author of all time wants to have dinner with you again. What type of spell did you put on him girl?"

"In all honestly I think it's just my cooking that has him like that. Because it's not me. I mean I...I was nervous and certain things I found hard to say. He had me stuttering."

"Yeah but maybe he sees some interest in you outside of your cooking. I don't care how amazing someone's cooking is. If I don't like their vibe, I won't sit back down and have dinner with them. I'll just grab a to go plate and move on." Marco said.

He was right. No man wanted to just sit and have dinner with the same woman again all because he enjoyed the food. Granted, Hoseok really did like Haven's cooking. But he was keen on having dinner with her more often.

"Are you excited?" Marco asked.

"Of course I'm excited..." haven nibbled on her bottom lip.

"You look scared, mamas." Marco said.

"You've put it in my head that he's interested in me and now I'm just nervous. I don't want him to be unimpressed by me, of course. But it does feel like a lot of pressure having someone of his status interested in me. I don't know..." haven explained.

"Don't be scared. You got this in the bag. Out of all the pretty girls in the world he chose you to do this with. Just keep up the good cooking and be a sexy little enchantress and he'll be back everytime." Marco winked, nudging her shoulder playfully before waltzing off.

Haven stood in the corner to gather her thoughts. For it seemed like too much to handle, and their next meet up was six days away.

Haven didn't want to be this nervous but she didn't think anybody, not even Marco would truly understand the way she felt at the moment. She adored this man. His writing, his enigmatic aura, his looks.

And to think that he had his eyes on her in that way kind of...put some pressure on Haven.


Hoseok realized something.

He realized that it was easier to write after seeing Haven. She was his muse. Out of nowhere, all of the sudden she had become the one he depended on to get his thoughts on paper. His drive to publish anything wether it be about her or not.

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