Stay With Me P.91 (Yangcas)💖

Start from the beginning

"Lucas," he began hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper amidst the clatter of keyboards and the hum of their gaming PCs.

Lucas, engrossed in the game, replied without looking away from the screen. "Yeah, what's up, buddy?"

Yangyang's heart pounded in his chest as he took a deep breath. "I... I need to talk to you about something important. Can we pause the game for a moment?"

Lucas finally tore his gaze away from the monitor, concern in his eyes. He hit the pause button and turned his full attention to Yangyang. "Of course, Yang. What's on your mind?"

The room felt suddenly suffocating, and Yangyang struggled to find the right words. He searched Lucas's eyes for a sign, a glimmer of understanding, but all he found was genuine curiosity.

"Lucas," he began again, his voice shaky, "I don't know how to say this, but... I think I might have feelings for you. More than just friendship."

Silence hung heavy in the air as Lucas processed Yangyang's confession. His dark eyes searched Yangyang's face for any hint of jest, but the sincerity in Yangyang's expression was undeniable.

"You... you mean..." Lucas stammered, struggling to find his words. "You feel the same way?"

Yangyang nodded, his heart a chaotic symphony of hope and fear. "Yeah, I do. But if you don't feel the same, I understand, and I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

Lucas, the ever-smiling and cheerful idol, was at a loss for words. His mind raced as he tried to process the whirlwind of emotions that had just been unleashed. But deep down, he knew that Yangyang was more than just a friend. The bond they shared was something special, something worth exploring.

Yangyang, fearing rejection but bracing himself for it, couldn't bear the suspense any longer. "Lucas, say something, please."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Lucas's lips, and he reached out to gently cup Yangyang's cheek. "I feel the same way, Yang," he whispered, his thumb caressing Yangyang's cheekbone. "I've been trying to find the right time to tell you too."

Relief flooded Yangyang's heart, and he let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Lucas's smile widened, and he leaned in, capturing Yangyang's lips in a tender kiss. It was a moment of sweet surrender, the culmination of months of unspoken longing.

Their lips parted, and Yangyang gazed into Lucas's eyes, his voice filled with awe. "I can't believe this is real."

Lucas chuckled, his fingers still tracing gentle patterns on Yangyang's cheek. "Believe it, Yang. We've just embarked on a new adventure together."

Their journey as a couple began that night, marked by whispered confessions, stolen kisses, and the thrilling uncertainty of what lay ahead. They decided to keep their relationship private, at least for the time being, to protect it from the prying eyes of the media and fans.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now