Chapter Twenty Two.

Start from the beginning

"Oh? What do you need?" I rose an eyebrow, before picking up a brush and headed over to Nibbles. I pulled him out.

"Jeanine. Erudite. Dauntless. They are not people to mess with."

"I already gathered that, but thank you for informing me."

Marcus rolled his eyes at my response. "They won't stop unless they have you, you know. You have the answers to their unanswered questions."

I shrugged, turning my back on him. I knew that. Obviously. I came from beyond the fence, of course I have answers.

Nibbles hit his hoof on the floor, his head jerking to the open fields in from of him. I think he wants to go out.

At least I'm not the only one whose desperate to get away from Marcus's warning.

"I already knew that, but I have a feeling you have more to say." I place the brush down and patted Nibbles back as if to say stay put.

Wandering over to the hay, I heaved some steps and placed them next to Nibbles. Then I heaved a saddle.

"You are putting my son in danger, Cassie. I don't want him to get hurt." Marcus suddenly said.

My hands curled into fists. "Are you telling me to stay away from Four?"

"It's Tobias, not Four!" Marcus bellowed. "His name isn't Four!"

"To you, it might be. But when I came to Dauntless, he introduced himself as Four. And I'm sticking with it whether you like it or not."

Marcus's vein pulsed on his forehead. He stepped dangerously close. It looked like he was deciding to hit me or not. But then we would be getting chucked out at the very second.

I'm guessing that someone has a very short temper.

"I am the Abnagation Leader, you don't know who you're messing with." Marcus growled.

Being an Abnegation Leader won't do any good now, most of the Abnegation are dead.

Ignoring his irrevelent statement, I said: "Anyway, were you telling me to back off away from your son?"

Marcus met my glare. "Yes."

I sat myself on top of Nibble's back. "Well, as you probably can tell, Four is a big boy and he can make his own decisions. He's been doing it since he left Abnegation."

Okay, that last sentence was a guess. But if Marcus was Four's father and the leader of Abnegation, it would make Four a transfer, right?

"And I'm pretty sure he can handle whatever life throws at him." I finished. And without waiting for him to answer, I nudged Nibbles's back leg, making him head towards the fields.

Marcus is just stupid. He probably heard me say him giving me the creeps.

I ran around with Nibbles in large circles. The wind whipping against my face, and tugging at my braid.

"They are all paranoid." I murmur to myself. The Amity were waiting for another fight, they eye us wherever we go.

Luckily, someone had let me borrow their Amity clothes: a red top and a slightly too big trousers, whilst my Dauntless clothes were getting washed. I forced myself to wear these, I was too hot wearing my clothes all day in this heat.

After another round with Nibbles, I walk him to the barn and gave him some nibbles. My hand lay flat, I watch the barn window.

Immediately, I dropped my hand. Oh no.

A line of black cars were heading towards Amity. I froze for a second, and I walked out the barn.

Blend in you fool! I snapped at myself.

While Amity was happy, I decided skipping to the cafeteria, spotting Tris, Four and Caleb. The gun was getting heavier with every step.

"We have trouble." I said lowly. "Black cars. Lots of them. I think it's Erudite." It was the same car that I was shoved into when Tris was sent to be dead.

Four dropped his fork, and Tris glanced at Caleb wearily.

"Do we have time to run?" Four asked, eyebrows slightly narrowed.

I shook my head. "No."

Four shrugged. "Then we have to blend in."

"Are you serious? We are practically the three most wanted!" I exclaim, causing a few Amity to look at me.

"Cassie, they expect us to run. Blending in would be the last thing they expect." Tris says coolly.

I look behind me, where I spot Johanna with Marcus. Marcus was staring right at me.

Johanna called over the Amity's chatter. "Amity! We have guests! Welcome them!"

I sat besides Caleb and cheered: "We welcome you!"

And in stepped fifteen Dauntless, and three Erudite. The Dauntless had a blue band: showing their alliance with Erudite.

And Eric was one of them.

Here you go Little Outsiders!

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter!


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