Currently Kenji and Kyori were at school.

_____ just took the day to take care of herself and the house.

She could already feel tiny kicks from the baby but nothing too strong.

Katsuki said he'd be home early but she didn't depend on that.

Once it hit 12pm she went and brought the kids back home.

The boys ran to the kitchen wanting lunch to eat which _____ had already prepared.

She set their plates as they told her about their day.

"And then Seri told me she likes Hero Ace too!!" Kyori said smiling up at her.

She ruffled his hair.

"That's great sweetie."

Kenji glared at Kyori. "You're both annoying!"

Kyori glared at him. "No you're just mean!"

"No I'm not! Mama!"

"Boys just eat."

They both took a bite of their sandwich as she sighs walking to the living room to turn on the news channel.

There was nothing major going on and Ivor shut her off from SuperNova for a while so she was free to do anything for now.

So she sat on the couch watching TV...

After a couple hours however the news channel spoke about Dynamight's defeat.

_____ turned the volume up as the boys stare at the tv hearing their fathers hero name.

But what she wasn't prepared for was...

"I'm at the scene right now and there's no sign of Dynamight! The towns in complete chaos and explosions were going off everywhere before that building fell apart!" The news reporter said as the camera showed the debris of the town.

"Hero Dusk is helping civilians out but there's no sign- or sound of Dynamight..."

_____ stared at the screen her body completely frozen.

They could hear civilians and other hero's yelling to move things and get out of the way but there were no explosions..

This went on for 4 straight minutes..just silence as they searched for any survivors..


Kyori looked up at his mother confused.


"He must be buried! Help!" Another voice said.

The reporter stayed silent, everyone else on camera silent too as the heroes try removing the debris off the ground to find him..

______ continued to stare at the screen.

"Mama?" Kenji says walking to her only to find tears falling down her cheek.

Desire (Bakugou X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora