Moodboard: Danny & Linda

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Their Main Love Theme: Everything by Lifehouse.

Their Main Love Theme: Everything by Lifehouse

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Linda Lawrence

Parents: Kenneth Lawrence & Ada Martha Kawajé.

Height: 5'7ish to 5'8.

Siblings: Mia & Layla.

Birthday: August 19th, 1991.

Hobbies: Singing, Gaming, Reading, & Guitarist.

Actress: Alexandra Shipp

Race: Half-White & Nigerian Descent.

Also, Zendaya is another choice I do visualize as Linda because of the fashion and attitude that makes "Linda" Linda. So it doesn't matter WHO plays Linda. But if I'm being realistic, if Feeble was a show in the early 2010s, Alexandra would be a choice because Zendaya would've been in high school by that time. So I decided to use Alexandra because half of the students in Middleton are supposed to be 18-23 years old.

Speaking of fashion, Layla would heavily influence Linda in her wardrobe because Linda as a person isn't as fashionable since she likes to be laid back and doesn't want to put much effort into her clothes. Usually, her grandma would buy tons of dresses and outfits of her choosing.

In addition, the short hair is called a shag-mullet. It is the hair that Linda described because she would style her hair to match her favorite rock bands from the 2000s. Caramel Top, the term Charlotte would call her is the best way I could do to present her hairstyle. So, her family is heavily influenced by the media since Martha works for Voice4Steel and the company wasn't always present to bother them as much except if Martha was around, yep... that'll be the time when they'll bother the hell out of her family

If I were to describe Linda as a character, she is a nice person and calm most of the time. Very shy but hit her soft points and she'll open up to you. Just don't try to bother or tick her off with foolishness and ambiguity then we're all good. Also here's a fact, Linda's dance moves would mirror Michael Jackson's.

 Also here's a fact, Linda's dance moves would mirror Michael Jackson's

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Danny Petrelli

Parents: N/A as of now. Grandma Muriel is like a parental figure to him.

Height: 6'0

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