93 Taming the stubborn

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Shaking her head, she backed away.

"Jansu!" Niko repeated urgently.

Jansu turned around and rushed up the path. There was a curse behind her and a quick stomp of feet. Niko ran after her. Jansu felt his breath on her neck and sped up her run. She wanted one thing - to run into the house and lock the door behind her, so as not to see Niko's face and not hear his voice.

He wanted the opposite and was determined to get it at all costs. Moving quickly, grabbed her by the shoulders and stopped her. Both breathed heavily. Niko pressed his chest against her back and whispered hotly, "Please don't run away. Hear me out."

She shook her head and, covering her ears with her hands, screamed hysterically, repeating the same phrase, "I don't want! I don't want to! I don't want!"

He turned her around to face him and pressed her against the trunk of an olive tree that grew along the path. Grabbing her head with both hands, he made her look into his eyes and said angrily, "No, you will listen to me! At least once in your life, you will listen!"

But he didn't know Jansu very well. If she didn't want something, it was impossible to force her. Anger flashed in green eyes, and in the next moment, a sharp pain burned Niko's shin. Surprised, he let go of her head, and immediately a small but strong fist crashed into his jaw. Niko shook his head, clearing the black dots in front of his eyes. Crap! These Baisal sisters fight like boys.

"Get out of here and never come near me again," she said through clenched teeth. "Your revenge is successful. Now take your bloated ego, your aristocratic mommy, your hard-earned shares, and go to Italy."

His face contorted with bitterness, acrid smoke filling his chest.

"You're always like that, right?" He asked. "You conclude without knowing all the facts. Without listening, you throw people out of your life. You close tightly, not leaving even a tiny chance for the unfortunate."

"YOU dare to say that?" narrowing her eyes, threw Jansu in his face. She stood with her hands clenched into fists and her head thrown back proudly. "I gave YOU a chance! And what came of it? Another humiliation, - trampled pride and a broken heart?!" On the last words, Jansu fizzled out. "Go away, Niko," she added wearily.

The fervor ended and numbness came in its place. No matter what he says now, she will not let these words go to her head or her heart.

"Okay," he said, just as wearily. "I'll leave. I'm leaving now. But I'll be back!" added firmly.

"For the next block of shares of the Association of Jewelers?" Jansu sarcastically asked. "Do you need them so much? Then I'll give you mine. Every single one. Just don't appear in my life again."

God, how angry he was! A pulse pounded in his temples with heavy jerks, and it darkened in his eyes. The desire to return her, to bend her to his will was unbearable. Without giving an account of his actions, Niko pulled the stubborn proud girl to him and dug into her lips with a kiss.

Now Jansu got angry. What does he allow himself?! Wants to seduce her again? For what purpose this time? To finish her off completely?

She put her hands on his chest, trying to push him away, but Niko stood as unbreakable as a rock and kissed with increasing passion. His anger transformed into tenderness. This heady mixture was too dangerous. Even a saint could not stand before it. But Jansu no longer had illusions. She knew that this passion, this tenderness is a game behind which other, practical and materialistic interests are hidden. She gave in only for a moment. For one short moment, she allowed herself to dissolve in pleasure and the next ...

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