"I can't..it's all just going to get piled up on top of eachother..people can't go on illegal missions unless I give them the go to." He groaned.

"Job for the Number 1 hero huh? Sign papers?" She asked.

He moved his seat back opening his arms and legs.

She smiled getting up from her seat to go sit on his lap.

He hugged her waist as she rests her head on his shoulder just holding the mug in her hands.

Katsuki rests his head on her head before kissing her forehead.

They stayed in that position for a while taking in the silence, ignoring the boys arguing before heard glass break.

Both turn their head hearing the words..

"Uh oh.."

_____ shoved the mug into Katsuki's chest as he grabbed it carefully.

She got up walking to the living room seeing that they broke one of their gifts that Takade bought them.

It was a lighted glass picture frame of Katsuki and _____ on their wedding day.

She stared at it before looking at the boys mad.

Kenji and Kyori stayed silent both knowing they messed up.

She was gonna say something wanting to yell at them but she was all drained out..

She moved to bend down to pick up the shards, but Katsuki grabbed her shoulders before she could.

"No don't I'll get it. And you two get to your fucking rooms now." Katsuki said with a cold tone.

The boys immediately ran off upstairs as _____ covered her face rubbing her eyes for a moment.

"Why are they always fighting..?..This was a cute gift too.." she whined as Katsuki picked it all up.

"I don't know but if they don't quit it I'll kill them. It's annoying." Katsuki said walking to the kitchen to throw the broken glass out.

"Kats..I'm worried about them..this whole quirk and fighting business..I don't want them to rely on power. We don't even know if they'll both get quirks. I know they'll be heartbroken." She said following him.

"They'll be fine." He said walking back to her. "Let them do what they want. If they chose to follow my footsteps then I'll help them. I didn't have any headstarts or anyone to teach me, i want to be there for them, quirk or no quirk." Katsuki said.

"...but I don't want them to fight or even be heroes."

"Babe we're heroes."

"I know but it's not a fun job.." she said to him.

Katsuki just smiled kissing her cheek.

"They'll be fine. Now go sit, I'll talk to them." He said taking her to the couch.

She just sat down as he walked upstairs to deal with the twins.

In the next few days _____ got the birthday plans done. She sent the invites and bought everything except the cake.

The birthday was planned for tomorrow at their house.

Kenji and Kyori were still only talking about quirks as if that's the main thing they need.

Katuski wasn't home for these two days both day and night, he had to stay out to finish up some business but he promised he'd be home tonight before the birthday party.

It was 7pm and _____ was getting the boys ready for bed.

But each time she laid one boy down the other sat up.

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