Chapter 8

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Narrator POV
We see Adoc and tentacular having a conversation with each other and discussing how there time at beacon has been and tentacular is trying to get Adoc to accept Liebe and let go of his hate towards him.

Tentacular:dude I get you have a hate for demons but Liebe is different from the other demons.

Adoc: that is what he wants you to think and then bam they backstab you the moment you least expect it.

Tentacular:paranoid much he's just a kid.

Adoc:regardless i am still unsure if I should trust him.

As they continued there conversation they were being approached by Dorothea and Coco this caught the eyes of tentacular and he then turned around and interacted with them.

Tentacular:oh hey Coco hey Dorothea.

Dorothea:hey guys what were you 2 talking about just now?

Tentacular:i am trying to get Adoc to let go of his hate towards Liebe.

Coco:and how is that going?

Tentacular:as well as you'd expect.

Dorothea:sounds about right.

Adoc:what's that supposed to mean?

Dorothea:i know you are not a fan of demons but as your sister you need to let go of the hate towards Liebe he's just a kid for crying out loud.

Coco:ya Dorothea is right he hasn't done anything bad to anybody.

Tentacular:see even they agree with me.

Adoc:*sigh* i am going to be having people tell me stuff a lot aren't i?

Tentacular, Coco, Dorothea:yup.

Tentacular:so what brings you guys here?

Coco:oh your team and mine are going on a miss together and according to Ozpin this mission will involve ghosts.

Adoc: ghosts huh?

Dorothea:ya apparently somebody has casted a spell that can turn the deceased into their undead servants and has been unleashing havoc upon a town in a forest.

Tentacular:hm sounds like one hell of a problem.

Coco:oh it is and get this a local of that town said he saw a commanding officer from the demon realm is the cause of this madness.

Adoc:let's kick their asses!

Time skip

Team CVFY and mystical entered Ozpin's office where they are about to be told what there mission is going to be.

Ozpin:teams CFVY and mystical you have arrived.

Grom:so Ozpin what is our mission for today?

Ozpin: I am pleased that you asked me you see some of lord of demons soldiers are causing chaos upon a town and they are using the souls of the deceased to aid them in there goals and I figured since team mystical knows a ton about magic and team CFVY are very skilled fighters i thought it would be best if you did this mission together and the reason why is because i am not sure how long this mission will take.

Tentacular: so aside from that is there anything else we need to know about?

Adoc: i very much agree with Tentacular on this i hope we get all the information we need for this mission.'

Velvet: hey where's Liebe?

Adoc: why do we need him Phoinexs overpower demons.

Bal gro: I do not know he might be late but lets give him slack he's just a kid after all.

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