seeing red

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Penny was in the fire station catching up on some paper work, when suddenly she could feel fluids running out of her body, so she quickly went to the toilet and once she got there, she found out that she was on her period.
When she flushed the toilet and washed her hands, she quickly ran to her locker for her spare uniform and she quickly got changed and then attached a pad on to her pants. Once she was in her spare uniform, she put her dirty uniform, which was full of blood stains into a carrier bag and then she put the carrier bag into her rucksack, so she could put it in the wash when she got home.
When penny got out of the changing room, she started to feel her breasts being sore and heavy, her head was bothering her and she had cramps in her stomach so she took some ibuprofen and sat on the sofa watching TV. When Sam walked into the station, he noticed penny was watching TV, so he sat next to her and watched. An hour later the pain, penny was experiencing started to become too much for her to handle, so she went to station officer Steele office to ask if she could go home for the day, when she reached station officer Steele office she lightly knocked on the door and station officer Steele said enter, so as penny entered, station officer Steele asked what can I do for you penny? Actually sir, I was wondering if you would let me go home for the day penny replied.
Are you sick? Station officer Steele question, no sir it’s just that I’ve started my time of the month and it’s really bothering me, what symptoms do you have because i know all girls have different symptoms, Steele carried on, my symptoms are: My breasts are sore and heavy, I’m tired, I have cramps, I’ve got a headache and I’m having mood swings.
OK you can go home today, thank you sir and with that penny left the office, grabbed her rucksack from her locker and she started heading home.
It was lunch time in the fire station and Sam, Elvis, Arnold, Ellie and station officer Steele gathered around the table for lunch as they started eating lunch, Sam noticed that someone was missing so he asked if anyone had seen penny, penny went home for the day because she wasn’t feeling to good, but she should be back by tomorrow Steele said. When Sam’s shift was over, Sam went round to penny’s House to check up on her,
When Sam knocked on the door, penny opened it to him and lead him inside, penny was in her pyjamas as they were comfy and she was in a lot of pain from her period. Sam and penny were sitting in the living room and Sam asked if she was alright? I’m fine penny replied, then howcome you went home? Sam questioned, I started my period during work and my cramps were really hurting, penny told Sam because she knew she could trust him.
For the rest of the day Sam was looking after penny and penny soon returned to work the next day.

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