For your own safety

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Bella, our father will forgive you. No he won't you should've seen the look on his face, I did what you told me to do, and now he's probably never gonna talk to me ever again. Worse things could happen Bella, if it weren't for what you just did James could go after him, but now he's coming after us again instead.

What? No way, you and dad could get killed because of me! I serve to protect you, not the other way around, now move over, I'm gonna drive. Fine just drive carefully. No promises. Hang on tight. We hear a *thump* sound onto the truck. Bella jumps. I smile slyly at her. Don't worry. Why not? Cause its only Emmett. Alice is in the truck behind us. We pull up to the house.

We all go in. As we enter we find Edward hissing at Laurent jumping in front of us, to protect us. Carlisle stops anything from breaking out into chaos. Wait he's here to warn us about James. This isn't my fight! I grow tired of his games, in my 300 and so years of life I've never met someone like him, and I've met many trackers in my days. The other one Victoria, don't underestimate her, her name wasn't always Victoria, she used to live in the old late 1690's died at about early 1700's around the same time as the hybrid's BF. They used to be the really cute couple back in their year. Victoria will stop at nothing to get Jack back, and probably get rid of Bella, both of the girls are in very high danger, take my warning, or don't that's up to you. I'll be going now.

In the garage, Jasper explains how he has had to fight a tracker like James and how his kind aren't easy to kill. Yeah but not impossible. Yeah the guys are right we're gonna rip him to pieces and light him on fire, oh boy nothing like killing evil vampires or other horrid people gets the blood pumping in me like tearing them apart! whoa easy there half blood psycho, we need a plan first.

Yeah well what if he kills one of us first? Come on Rose, as long as we stick together nothing can get in our way. Weren't you jut not 2 secs ago saying how tearing people apart gives you major thrills? You're like bipolar or whatever, I swear. Oh G-D Rose. Yeah a plan right.

I'll run the twins down south, if the rest of you will lead the tracker away. No Edward, we can't let that happen, James knows you'd never leave the girl's sides, if Jack were here currently we could have him take Farrah to the North Pole and they could stay there until we were done, but we all know thanks to Emmett the other day that even while joking that he's still right Farrah and you really are connected at the hip, and Bella's her sister, and now your girlfriend. I've never seen two people get a long better than you and Farrah do, in the many centuries that I've been alive.

Don't worry Edward, I'll take the girls with Jasper with us. Fine, just try to control your thoughts please? Of course. Rosalie, Esme put these on, the tracker will pick up Bella and hopefully Farrah's sent of she has enough blood inside of her to track. I'd smell her coming a mile away, if we weren't always side by side. All jokes aside.... Why? What has she ever done for me, Farrah gratefully, but Bella, just why?

Rosalie, we're doing this partly for Farrah too, Bella is her sister and is with Edward now, and they are both part of this family, and we protect our family. Carlisle says passing pieces of our clothing to her and Esme. Fine hand me Farrah's at least. Oh Rose. Please do it, for me? Yeah, she says taking me from Edward holding me in a head lock, of course, I will, I might not agree with the idea, but anything for my little sister. Hey stop it, I laugh as she runs her knuckles over my head.

Oh and if you ever change my emotion, like what you just did, I promise I will tickle you silly, and show no mercy. I hold my hands up in surrender. Ok, ok. I say dipping out under her arm. Let me go. Fine. I've never seen Rosalie act like that. That's because Farrah was controlling her emotions. We get into the car, Edward comes up to us. OMG Edward if anything happens to any of you I swear.... Sh, sh, girls its gonna be ok there are 8 1/2 of us, not including Jack, whose rarely ever here anyways, and two of them. When we're all done here, I'll come find you both.

Bella you are my whole world now. I look away blinking back tears. He strokes her cheek. My thoughts: So what does that make me? What does that make you? You really want to know? That makes you over sensitive, if you didn't already know that you'll always be my BFF, my little sister, and my whole world just like you always have been, and now your sister, you were always my whole world way before Bella came alone, you know I love you. If you didn't know that, its your loss, then you do now, and never forget it, ever.

I nod my head, and he kisses my forehead. Pushing my hair back into its place. Be safe. We will. See ya real soon. Bye. Ok. Alice says as Jasper drives off, two cars leave. Once we're on the road, Bella calls our mom. Hey mom, its us your girls we're not in Forks right now, and you must've let your phone die or whatever, but we're safe, and we'll explain everything, unless of course somehow you know people like James from your world. Hope to talk to you soon. Both: We love you! Bye mom.

Alice grabs Jasper's hand, as Bella watches from our backseat. I lean my head on her shoulder. Alice reaches back with her other hand and lightly squeezes my thigh, in her own way reassuring me that everything would be ok. He turns back to me and smiles. I smile back, looking tired. I watch Jas let out a small yawn. He shakes his head keeping awake, I let out a light chuckle, and Bella nudges me.

Back in the forest, Edward and the others go around leaving a trail of our sent for James to follow. When we get to a hotel, Alice and I *gasp.* We see James sniff the tree and run off. In anger. What? What is it? James he.... We see the others stop what they're doing. He figured it out! So he's gonna change coarse. To where? A room, a room full of, full of mirrors.

Yeah but Edward said the visions aren't always certain. Yes but not only are we seeing the same thing, but they only change if the person changes. This is what's going on right now. So in other words, the trial will lead him to our old dance studio? You know that place? Yeah I used to dance there as a small child the building had an arch just like that. Yeah, and I sometimes when I'm supposed to be hunting, go here, to think, I mean Carlisle knows about it, so no worries.

I used to go there and think, and sing, and dance, and hang out with Jack. Its our favorite spot. Crowds come there all the time, but on weekends its usually closed that's why I spend most of my time there, I have a key to get in. Edward calls Bella, and mind messages me. Edward: So we lost the tracker and Rose and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your father and the woman we don't know where she is but we suspect, she want back to Forks.... Please stop?! Too much noise, either talk to her or me, but not both of us at the same time, G-D Edward!

Edward: Do you know how weird you sound talking without just using your mind to speak back? LOL. *ug* Fine. So I'm gonna come get you both, and the 3 of us, and if Jack ever comes back he can come too, but we're all gonna go somewhere far away, and safe, I promise, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you both are always safe, my loves my life, my world, my everything, sister and lover, both of you girls, just the 3 of us, alone, while the rest hunt, and until then we'll be safe, and when they are dead, I'll consider us all coming back, until then let the others handle it, they'll take care of everything.

As we pack our things to leave, Bella gets a strange worrying phone call, saying its from home. Hello? Mom? Bella, Farrah where are you? Bella, Farrah?! Mom, calm down, we're fine we'll explain later. OMG! Bella hang up right now its not mom. I tell her, but she doesn't listen. James's voice comes on the phone. Hello ladies. Forks seems to not have a very good privacy for their students, and it was easy for Victoria to figure out where your old house was. Nice place you got here, then mom came home after receiving a very worrying call from your father.

Its funny really, that it seemed to have worked out, rather well. Don't you think? No wait.... Mom?! Don't touch her! Bella its not her, listen to me. Bella wouldn't she wasn't in the right mind, she was too worked up. Where do you want me to meet you? You and Farrah, and I'll know if you bring anyone, and then poor mom will pay the price. Where should we meet you? Bella no! Sh! How about the old dance studio, tell Farrah not to forget to bring the key!

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