The "cold" one

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Previously on TTT....

Edward give me my phone! They aren't here, they get pulled out by their parents from school when the weather's nice, take them out for like hiking or something. Hey Bella I'm sorry I wasn't at school would've called sooner but, Edward was "punishing" me for sneaking into his room for stealing my phone..... Port Angeles? Sure I'll come. Hey maybe Farrah will come too, shopping isn't really either of your thing is it? Let's meet up later at the diner a few blocks back that way, maybe Farrah will meet us there, but there's a book I want to get. Get away from me! Get in the car! Sorry she wasn't here for dinner we got caught up. I need answers.... Not those Answers! WE can read minds.... Hey what happened here? Waylon Forge was you father's friend Bella you should go inside. Can Farrah come in too? Take this pepper spray both of you it will give your old man some state of mind if you do. Come on Bella let's go home, come on Farrah let's go home.


Back at home Bella is reading about the "cold ones" A bunch of words jump out at her mostly that describe us. Immortal, ok so that was a hard one. Speed- she sent her thoughts to the car accident. Strength - again car accident, "drinks blood" - Went to tonight when we talked about our "special diet" ice cold - Went to when we were in the car. Pale - well she knew how pale we all were. Never goes out into the sunlight - Going back to when we never show up at school when the sun is out, when it's nice out for people. Vampire - ? That's not possible. Bella said closing the computer and going to sleep. My sister can't be a vampire they don't exist.

The next morning however when we arrived at school she turned her backs to us not saying a word, she described everything from above about us. Bell's what's going on? She took a deep breath still not facing us. I know what you are. Then say it Bella out loud! Vampires! How old are you? Bella we're the same age! I said shocked and scared. Not you him! We're 17. How long have you been 17? A while? As for you how did you get this way? She still didn't look at us. Mom used to be one of us until she had us, Charlie doesn't know anything, that's why he can't have me back, that's why we never knew each other growing up, that's why I live with the Cullen's, Charlie can't ever have me back Carlisle's hands are tied, my powers are the reason mom won't let me live with you guys, mom might have taken her immortality out somehow, but she'll still always live forever cause it's in her blood.

Are you afraid? Edward finally asks her. No! The only thing I'm afraid of now is, losing my sister. Oh Bella, I'm so glad I don't have to lie to you anymore. Then ask us the easiest question you can think of, what do we eat? You won't hurt me! That's right he won't, I won't let him! I'm not gonna hurt her, he says throwing her onto his back. Both: Where are we going? Out of the clouds, out of the darkness, Farrah, Bella needs to see what we look like in the sunlight. Follow me up! Hold on tight Bell's we like to go fast!

Once we get there, Edward puts her down, and takes my hand he takes off my jacket, and un buttons his shirt, the sunlight, bouncing off our cold, pale skin, like diamonds. This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight! They look like diamonds, Bella says. Y-you're beautiful! Beautiful?! Edward say laughing nervously then frowning, hey I could only take control of my brother's emotions for a so long. He buttons back up his shirt, and slides my jacket back on me. Farrah, you guys look flawless. That's part of my powers, it's the only power that Rosalie has, considering she has no real powers, I have all my siblings powers, and a rare one. We're not beautiful Bella, this is the skin of 2 killers. No way, you I could possibly believe, and BTW don't care, nor believe it even if it's true, but this one, my little sister? Look at her, she couldn't hurt anything!

She tries to reach out and poke at me, but I grab her hand and hold it away from my body, let's not do this again. She just laughs. BTW you'd be surprised, don't underestimate us, I have killed, living things, but not any that didn't deserve to die, or was already dying, we only hunt animals, and horrible, horrible people, and turn those that are dying. Well if you don't believe us, that's because you believe the lie, Edward says taking my hand as we zip around spot to spot. The camouflage, we are the worlds, most dangerous predators, that everything about us, somehow invites you in. Including all our 5 senses of the human body!

As we would ever need any of that! Both: As if you can out run the both us, as if you can fight us off! And stay alive! I add. To show this, one by one, we each pick up a huge tree at least 10 times the weight of our own bodies, throwing it at least that many miles away. We are designed to kill Bella! I told you I don't care! We we've killed people before! Before I met you, I wanted to kill, never before, in all my life had I ever wanted to drink a human's blood so much!

I on the other hand would never, let any of my "siblings" kill an innocent person, or take their life, that didn't want the kind we have. You're welcome, too bad it does smell delicious, good thing, I can eat both, since I'm technically both human and a vampire, because Charlie is my father, same as yours and he is human, just like you.

I trust you both! You shouldn't! I'm here, I trust you both! She says trying to kiss Edward, but he just leaps up into a high tree.... Farrah says we only hunt mainly animals, that isn't a lie, because she above us, including me, and she's the newest of all of us, we can control our thirst for blood, never in the time I have lived, has a person's blood smell so good, the way yours does. He's right, it hasn't. Your blood I would happily use like a drug to me, if we weren't what you call friends, or if Farrah wasn't your sister, I could never hurt her like that, she might not be my blood related sister, just like the others in my family, but we have more in common, then even her and Jack, she and Jack are meant to be together forever, more than I have in common, or ever did, not once with the rest of my family, most days, we are like real siblings, she's my favorite "sibling" out of the rest, she also keeps me from being lonely, everyone has their own love match except me, including her, and I wouldn't trade Farrah for anything or anyone in world, I love her!

Thanks Edward, I love you too. That's sweet you guys, see it's hard to believe either of you are a killer when you're both so nice. Edward, why did you hate me so much when we 1st met? I only did, because, I wanted you so badly at the time, I still do, but like I said we're what you humans call friends, and my "sister's" real human sister, I'd never dream of hurting either of you ever in my life. I just don't know if I can control myself! I know you can, I've seen it!

He jumps down me following close behind, I watch as he backs her up into a rock. I can't read your mind, you have to tell us what you're thinking! Yeah, and my powers only work so well. So not at all, Edward says turning to me, smiling slyly. Shut up! I'm working on it! Hey you're the one that trains me anyways, maybe you just need to work harder?! Edward turns away from me placing his hands on either side of Bella leaving her trapped in the middle.... Ok now I'm afraid. Good, Edward says backing away a little.

I'm not afraid of you, either of you, especially, not my sister, no offense to either of you, I'm only afraid of losing you both, Farrah especially! I feel like you're gonna both at some point just disappear, and I'd never see you again. You have no idea, how long I've waited for you! I narrate the next bit, so the stupid lamb fell for the lion, and the hot headed brave lion fell for the lamb, in some crazy mixed up world where the 2 would actually be able to love each other and not murder the other. They lay down in the grass, we were currently standing in. The small, weak, powerless lioness, that will be tortured at home, if she doesn't stop narrating, this "love" story RIGHT NOW! Edward says lying by Bella's side, evilly smiling at me, with his bright white smile, Bella just laughs. I sit down near them not too close, for this is not my place to be, I shouldn't be here anyways, now that they're catching feelings, for each other suddenly, even without me using my powers.

A gap in the tree above us shines down on our faces, she 1st looks over at him, then at me, who actually is lost in my own thoughts, for whatever reason, when lost in thought, looks sad. She nudges him, he looks over at me, sad and worried. His thoughts: I'm sure she's probably just lost in thought. Farrah? No answer.... Farrah he says in a sing song voice, in my thoughts: I make a humming sound, like a pleasant peaceful hmmm sound, enjoying the sound of the voice speaking to me, Edward's voice, there's just something about it, it sounds nice, and calming, and protecting of those around him, it's a nice vibe to have around, the kind of voice, just low enough that, if I wasn't his "sister" I'd probably fall for, the kind of voice that's mysterious, yet would make teenage girls melt like butter, but he's my "brother" it would be weird for me to think things like that about him, but the sound of his voice made me feel safe, like nothing bad could ever happen to me when he's around, the kind of a voice a young daughter would love hearing from their caring father.

Farrah, I know you can hear me, he said laughing. BTW that was really deep, and beautiful, I don't think it's strange you should feel safe and protected by me. Great he had just heard all of that. What are you thinking about over there? Why are you so far away? Come closer. Gee it's so peaceful out here, I wish we could stay here forever and ever. Bella said finally breaking the silence.

Later that night, I had followed my brother to my sister's, he was throwing rocks at her window, luckily she was still awake.

Next time on the TTT, Bella's 2nd POV of how she thinks things are going from where we had left off last. See ya soon lovelies, mwha! <3

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