Bella's POV part 2

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I asked Jake about the legend of my sister's story, he started to tell me, but instead we went to pull a prank on Farrah. The prank was supposed to be that a shark was out there, where his friend Seth was. I thought it was gonna be pretty funny. Jake told me to play along. So I did.

SHARK IT'S A SHARK FARRAH SWIM FASTER COME ON SISSY YOU GOTTA SWIM FASTER. Jake high fived me for my acting job as we burst out laughing watching it unfold. Then we got scared, when she told us, there really was a shark out there, that it got a hold of her, and then she wasn't seen.

Jake jumped into the water picking her up, getting the water out of her, she woke up, hitting him. You guys suck Jacob Black. She said yelling at him as Jake dropped her into the sand. They fought kind of like siblings for a while it was actually both really cute and really funny. Finally I got Jake to tell me the Cullen story, Farrah looked kind of uncomfortable he told me something about Quileute Legends. I'd remember that for later. Finally it was getting time to go home. Jake took me on his bike and took me back home Farrah told me goodbye and Sam took her back to the Cullen place.

Later I ended up looking for the book online, it was near this place called Port Angeles. The next day it was beautiful, but also the Cullen's never came to school, I waited for my sister to call and didn't get one for a while. Until I did. Hey that's Farrah now.

Me: Hey Farrah, what's up, where are you?

Farrah: Bella? I'm sorry I'm not at school today, and I would've called earlier, but Edward took my phone, and "punished" me for being in his room.

Me: It's ok, really. Hey are you gonna be here again tomorrow?

Farrah: Should be, if the weather calls for it. Just wanted to check in bye love you sis.

Me: Love you too Farrah.

Later the other girls asked me to go shopping which totally wasn't my thing, but the bookstore was a couple blocks down from where we were at. I went to it, but then these really drunk guys came and tried to be pervs. Suddenly Edward's car pulled around the corner, and I was told to get in the car. I told my friends I'd meet them at the little diner down the street, they're probably worried sick about me.

Edward took me there, we were all there Farrah included she came with Edward. We all sat down for dinner, they didn't bother to eat anything, said they were on a "special diet." I really needed answers, when I didn't get any I tried to walk away, but then they told me they could read minds, they showed me, apparently, the only mind they can't read is mine.

I wondered if there was something wrong with me. When we got back into the car I reached down to turn down the heat, and touched Edward's hand it was so cold. I saw my dad's car right outside the hospital, Edward said he saw Carlisle's and pulled in. I asked Farrah to come with me inside, she obeyed. Dad gave us each a can of pepper spray, one of his good friends got attacked earlier that day, by an "animal."

I read the book when I got home. I opened the computer to search some of the stuff and there were a bunch of words that stood out to me. Immortal, ok so that was a hard one. Speed- I started thinking about how they got to me so fast before I got hit. Strength - Again car accident Edward made a dent into that car. "Drinks blood" - That was a little creepy, but they also said they had a "special diet. " Ice cold - I thought back to in the car his hand was freezing. Pale - Well almost everyone in Forks is pale, but not as much as the Cullen kids. Never goes out into the sunlight well they weren't at school when it's always nice out so.... Vampire - ? That's not possible. I thought to myself closing the computer and going to sleep. My sister can't be a vampire they don't exist.

The next day however I confronted them, I lead them to an empty forest describing them, didn't dare look at them. I was asked to tell them what I thought they were, so I did. No I wasn't afraid, Farrah or Snow or whatever she was calling herself was is still my sister. I only feared losing her again after all the time we spent not with each other. Farrah was glad to be able to let the secrets roll off her back. Said she wouldn't let her brother hurt me. He put me on his back, both of us asking where we were going. When we got there where the sun peeked through, he took her jacket off, and unbuttoned his shirt.

Their skin sparkled like - like beautiful diamonds. Edward just laughed at me, telling me that they were killers. I didn't believe either of them for a sec. I mean especially not my little sister. She was harmless. I tried to reach out to poke at her again, but this time she used her powers to stop me from doing so. She and Edward zipped around showing me their strength. He told me that there was no one's blood he ever wanted to drink in his whole life, but how he could never hurt either of us like that, how Farrah was his favorite "sibling" of all the Cullen kids, that even though she had a match and he didn't she still kept him happy, and he never felt like he was ever lonely. If he didn't have her he didn't know what he would've done, I thought it was super sweet.

They really were like siblings. I'm glad someone was like a family to my little sister, since I had no idea she even existed, until recently. I tried to kiss him, he told me I shouldn't trust them. I told him how I was here, that I did in fact trust them both. He pushed me against a rock. I told him that that's when I was scared. He backed up some. I said I'm not afraid of either of either of you, just of losing them both. Farrah narrated the story about the lamb and the lion, until Edward "threatened" her to stop.

Soon we were just laying there peacefully. I looked over at Edward lovingly. Then at my sister I had no idea if she was lost in thought or sad, so I nudged Edward. He must've been able to say something to her without speaking cause he could read everyone's mind except mine. He laughed, but no one said anything, so he must've been laughing at something she thought of cause she blushed a little bit looking embarrassed. I got home at night suddenly I heard rocks being thrown at my window good thing I was still up.

As of now there were only a few things I sure about..... 1. My sister and Edward and the rest of the Cullen's were all vampires. 2. My mom was born one, but got her immortality taken away. 3. Charlie could never have her back. 4. Edward still thirsted for my blood. 5. He could never hurt me or my sister. 6. He loved her like a real sister. 7. IDK what my sister thinks, but I feel like at some point even with Jack she'd feel lonely and abandoned.... Because of # 8. 8. I was utterly entirely in love with Edward Cullen.

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