The field trip at the greenhouse

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Good morning class I need all your permission slips. Thank you Farrah Cullen, for all your siblings permission slips. Well someone seems happy this morning? Yeah I thought the Cullen's weren't morning people? We aren't I'm not I'm just really happy about this field trip. Well then sis I guess you can just make all the Cullen's happy when you're around?

That's what I do. I yawn and watch all the others suddenly get tired. Wow how'd you do that? Do what? Never mind. Ok. Everyone get on the bus. Ok. Come on everyone. Sis dial it down. Aw come on Edward, be happy. You can either be happy on your own or by 2 different kinds of force. How come it's always me Snow? What do you mean? I mean why are you always trying to make me happy more than anyone else? Well Rose is pretty and popular, kind of and she also doesn't like very much.

Aw Snow sure she does. What about uh.... Emmett? Are you kidding he's usually always happy anyways and if I mess with him he can hurt me. What about Jasper? He has similar powers as me and tries to control me with them, but somehow sometimes it doesn't work. You mean it never works? Ok so it rarely works. It only works on me when I'm not happy myself and then when I'm not I know he's there because suddenly without my powers I'll feel happy again. What about Alice? Well Alice is already always happy and preppy she's like my partner in crime. Then mom and dad are always happy because of us and because dad helps people.

You're the one that needs the most work. Hey? Hey look there's that pretty smile brother. You're gonna regret saying that previous statement Snow. And why is that Edward. Well just like how you can force me to be happy even though I might not have Jasper's powers to change your emotion, as you very well know these piano man finger aren't just great for playing keys. In other words, well all of our kind have weaknesses of some sort yours and as you have already figured out mine as well are the same we happen to have in a couple of words sensitive skin. If you dare as try to forcefully put a smile on my face without the use of your powers I will use my weapons against you.

That's not fair. He knows I'm scared and won't try again at least for a while and sends chills down my back as I shiver all the rest of us shiver and they all look over at us we've been on our way to our detestation. Oh BTW Edward you forgot Jack. No I didn't forget him he's your other partner in crime part of his power is to make people happy we as our kind just aren't effected by his only humans are.

Edward laughs a small quite laugh at my antics and how I reacted to what he was saying and threatening towards me. He was also enjoying that the rest of them were all watching us now. Why do you do that Edward that's not fair it's so not nice. You're my sister. So, so are the others they're you're family too. You will always feel more like family to me then the others. IDK what it is, but we connect more and better the others I feel like I can tell you anything, usually I also don't pick favorites, but you are mine.

Your favorite what person to tease? That too, but I was referring to siblings. Oh? Go on say it. Say what? No, no, no Snow don't play that card. Fine you're my favorite too. I know. I hate you. No you don't. Now just be quite and wait for us to get where were going. So Bella it's good to see you again and alive. One of her friends says to her.

Yeah uh yeah just false alarm on death I guess. So uh.... Farrah what are you doing? Shh..... I'm listening. That's my girl. So uh what do you think about uh prom? Bella? Huh I'm sorry I zoned out there. So Prom with um going to would you with me. To you got to prom with me? Uh prom uh yeah no I can't go I'm flying out to Jacksonville that weekend and the tickets are nonrefundable I fear.

Besides me and prom and uh dancing I wouldn't go even if I was in town because that's just not my thing. I'll tell you what though go ask Jessica she really wanted to go with you. Once at the greenhouse the teacher was being boring, *sigh* again. The trip it's self was going great we were getting to learn so much about plants and got to make compost tea. It was so fun and peaceful. Somewhere along the way I started talking to Bella and Edward came over to us.

So Bella what's in Jacksonville? Edward asks her. I get this suddenly sad feeling inside of me knowing that's where mom lives. I can feel Jasper trying to make me happy again and block it out. Alice looks over at me also looking sad, since somehow I forgot that I did that and looked into my eyes wondering if I was ok.

I shot her mind message telling her I was ok. Alice: Hey what happened why did we all suddenly get sad? Me: Sorry guys I don't mean to control everyone. Alice: Well you got sad over something and Jasper tried to make you happy again, but somehow you blocked him out. Me: I'm sorry Alice. Alice: Are you ok? Me: I'm fine really Alice.

Alice: Farrah you're gonna leave me no other choice I'm gonna switch over and tell Edward how you're feeling, and see what he can do about it. Me: Alice no please don't?! Alice: Edward! Edward: Was it Alice I'm trying to talk to Bella?! Alice: Good for you, but we just all got sad will you help your sister please? Edward: No problem give me a couple mins. I'll talk to her. Alice: I know you will. Ta-ta!

How did you know about that? Bella asked. I- we- You didn't answer my question. Well none of you answer any of mine so.... You didn't even say hi to me. Well Farrah did. Fine we had a very large Caffeine rush gave me a lot of speed and a lot of strength. Floridan's, that's what's in Jacksonville. Bella almost slips trying to get away from us. Edward's thoughts: I'm sure that's not all Farrah will tell me what's in there, one way or another.

Bella you alright, please pay attention to where you're walking sis you almost got hurt again?! Thanks Snow. No prob sissy. Me: BTW I heard that Edward and I will not my lips our sealed. Edward: Good luck with that little sis. He says laughing. I suddenly am happier and go skipping back up to Bella. Edward: Farrah? We suddenly all feel like skipping now! Sorry I don't mean for this all to be happening even though I can't help, but wonder.... Edward: Don't you even dare! Me: Dare what? Edward: Wonder what it would be like for us all to skip or so help me!

Me: Or what you wouldn't try anything surrounded by people?! Edward: You don't want to know, you need more training. Me: I can feel you evil smirking at me I know what you're thinking Edward and it's not gonna happen. Yes I know I need more training, but for now let's just enjoy ourselves ok? Edward: Oh I am.

Everyone once again shivered both the times that I had. Everyone: Edward?! Edward laughs and shakes his head. We continue on with the field trip. Hey Bella guess who just asked me to prom? Uh.... Bye Bells. Everything goes silent as Bella watches me leave shaking her head at me smiling. Bell's thought: How does she do that? Luckily for Bella no one can read her thoughts.

Uh Mike did which is funny, because I really thought he was gonna ask you, you know? Yeah you guys are actually great you know? Yeah? You're right. Later on the outside.... Bella we shouldn't be friends. Edward stop! No it's ok you 2 be friends.... You know maybe you should've thought about that before this all happened. You should've just let the car crush me.

Bella! No! She's right you think I regret saving you because I don't. That's good Edward. He gives me a not now Farrah look, I can tell he really doesn't regret anything. I can see that it does. Then you don't know anything. Is Bella joining us on our bus? No Alice she's not. Sorry Snow, but our bus is full.

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