Bella's POV from when I came back into her life to the present

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Bella's POV

*Ug* it's that same stupid confusing dream over and over again! I can't take it anymore, ok so I'm leaving my mom soon and going to go see my dad in what's been like forever and it's my Jr. year of high school. Lovely! From when I last was in Forks the only people I actually remember there are my dad Charlie, and my BFF Jacob Black and his family.

I guess I'm just not really a people person. My one friend I've ever had in Forks, I haven't seen since I left last. I had plenty of friends back in Jacksonville, but now that I'm back in Forks, which is like a ghost town of long lost memories to me now, there's nothing really left there for me now, other then my dad, who won't know how to take care of me now that I'm all grown up.

The next day....

I'm all packed up and I'm ready to go see my dad again. It's a long plain trip from one side of the US to the other. Also in a place where the sun almost never shines and it's cold and rainy most of the time. I hate it there, I just don't really like any cold or wet thing. Never have and I probably never will.

Well I'm off I'll be there tomorrow leaving the sun and heat behind. The other next day.... Charlie is picking me up in his cop car, he's the police chief at the police station. Well Forks, here I am, home sweet home, until otherwise. Welcome back Bell's. I got you something as a welcome home present. No way it's so cool, uh.... Thanks, does it work? It should I had Jacob Black help fix her up for me.

Hey Mr. Swan. Hey Jacob, Bella you remember Jacob Black. Yeah dad I remember. Hi I'm Bella, I say seeing some new girl hanging out with Jake. Who are you? I ask her. She tells me she's Jake's friend I roll my eyes, trying to be polite. Do you have a name? Yeah, but everyone just calls me Snow.

Well then it was nice to see you again Jacob, and it was nice meeting you Snow. I make up an excuse to walk away, mostly because I feel awkward. I told them I had to go unpack, which wasn't really a lie. The next day at school I was so lost, luckily I met some new people and hung out with them at lunch. Their names are Jessica, Mike, Angelia, and Eric. We get along pretty well, considering it's my 1st day at a new school, knowing no one.

Then I see some other people walk in, I ask about them. Jessica tells me who they are. Their names are Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Jack, and Farrah. So that's her name. Hm.... Jessica says she thinks Farrah and Edward are the prettiest, and actually they are. She's not wrong there. I thank Jessica for telling me who that girl was since she wouldn't tell me who she really was yesterday.

When I got home I told Charlie about that girl Farrah. He says he knows her, when I tell him she goes to my school he tells me she's my twin sister. The next day I went to go play catch up with Jake, we walked deep into the forest near this cliff, near a beautiful meadow, I think this will be my secret hiding spot. It's just so peaceful here.

While Jake and I are catching up his phone goes off, I think my sister is on the other side of the phone, considering, Jacob called her Cullen. He told her where we were, and almost as soon as he got off the phone with her, she showed up almost right away. Whoa where'd you come from I ask her? I was close by Bell's. Ok who are you and how do you know my name? I ask her already knowing the answer.

Sorry allow me to formal introduce myself, Hi I'm Snow aka Farrah Cullen. Farrah? I asked my dad about you.... I tell her as she walks over to me and grabs my hands.... Bella, I'm your sister, your twin sister. When I tell her that ,that's impossible she starts giving me the "talk," you see Bella, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much.... I stop her right there.

She starts explaining that I have a hard time following, then she does something odd. She some how puts me to sleep, Jacob picks me up and takes me home. When I wake up I'm in my room. My sister starts explaining things again. Soon, yet again, I fall asleep doing exactly what my sister asks of me. The next day I go to school, I sit next to Edward.

IDK why, but he acted rude towards me and tried to avoid me. They didn't show up after that. I got worried and wrote Farrah an email asking about where they were. She didn't really answer my questions, but I know she can take care of herself, I just feel like now that she's back in my life again, I never want to be with out her anymore. A few more days go by and they're back now. When I see her again I give her a great big hug wondering why she's so cold.

She get's so excited over the littlest of things. Ever since Farrah came into my life I've been so happy, smiling, and laughing, things I don't usually do very often. Later I stand all the way on the other side of the parking lot listening to my music. I guess a car almost hits me, but it doesn't because Edward and my sister come and push the car out of the way leaving me with lots of questions, and sending me and the boy that almost killed me to the hospital to be checked over.

Dad shows up to check up on me. Edward's dad is a Dr. there at the hospital that I'm currently at. Charlie called mom and she was freaking out, she did always know how to worry I see Carlisle Edward and Rosalie talking about the almost accident that almost got me killed, along with my sister she was there talking with them. I ask to speak to them both Farrah does most of the talking. Suddenly the atmosphere gets happier and were all smiling and laughing having a good time.

When she says that I need sleep I somehow find myself agreeing. Tomorrow is our greenhouse field trip. Tomorrow.... Mike is asking me about prom, but I'm not really paying attention, when I do start paying attention I tell him that I can't go because I'm going to Jacksonville that same weekend. I tell him to go ask Jessica.

My sister seems very happy about this boring field trip. Well gee I never knew the Cullen's were morning people. Oh we aren't she says. I'm just happy about the field trip. I'm very confused because all of the Cullen's now look like they're very happy. I then watch her yawn and then everyone else does as well, they give her this strange annoyed look as if she made them all do that. When we get there Edward and Farrah are far behind us talking to each other, then they come over and Edward asks me about Jacksonville, a few secs later Farrah is catching me before I fall. After the end of the field trip Edward makes the bad decision to tell me we shouldn't be friends.

Farrah looks so upset. Alice, I think is her name asks me if I'll be joining them, Edward tells Farrah I won't be because the bus is full. When I get home Charlie attempts to ask me about school, then tells me my mother called freaking out again, it reminds me to call mom anyways and tell her how school is going so far.

The next day at school my friends ask me about going to La Push beach, I've never heard of it, but then Farrah comes out of nowhere and starts talking about how she surfs there. I actually wouldn't mind seeing her surf. My friends start talking about how the other Cullen's never go there and how Jacob and his friends sorta own that area. I tell the gang about how Farrah is my twin sister and they think it's super cool.

After I talk about my mom I ask them if she looks dangerous to them, but I don't let them answer. My playful sisterly side of me that I never knew I had and poke her side. She jumps back giggling. This gives me an idea.... I continue to poke at her sides she laughs trying to tell me to stop.

I laugh at her stopping. When asked about this strange aura that changes around her she tells us it's a gift. Later as I go to get more food Edward comes up to me with sister in tow, she's might technically be my blood related sibling, but I've never seen siblings like Farrah and Edward get along so well. Startled I drop my apple as Edward starts talking.

He tells me he wants to be friends, just that we probably shouldn't. He asks for my theory's, about they're strangeness. I can only come up with hero stuff. We pick fun at Farrah, both trying to grab at her sides, I grab her into a sisterly hug and she can't get away. I ask Edward to come to La Push with us, he says he'd rather not, and ruffles his "sister's " hair.

Later I go with my friends to La Push. Farrah comes in with Jacob on his motorcycle. They come running to me, Sam close to them. They start talking about how the Cullen's don't come here and how they're freaks. Farrah and Sam paddle out to the waves to surf with my friends I don't do stuff like that, I just came to come, you know, Jake and I start talking, as we watch my sister surf like there's no tomorrow, a big wave comes and she goes under. She pops back up yelling out to us.... I'M OK! We shake our heads laughing. So what did your friends mean when they said the Cullen's except for my sister don't come here?!

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