Bella I'm your sister your twin sister

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When I got home to the Cullen's.... I'm home! Welcome back Snow how was school? It was alright there was this new girl at school who we can't seem to figure out she's immune to my powers and Edward's. It's frustrating. What's this girl's name dear? Bella, Bella Swan? Why? Come here Farrah. There's something we need to tell you.

What is it? Now don't get mad. Carlisle, I said taking his hands in mine, you can tell me anything and I promise I won't get mad. *sigh* Farrah? Yes? You know we aren't really your real family right? Yes I know. Well your father is the chief of police here in Forks as it turns out and his daughter came back from Florida I've never met her, but Jacob seems to know her he'll have more info about her to tell you later just not now.

Farrah sweetie this Bella girl is your twin sister. The next day was the weekend already it had seemed like the other day was only the beginning of the week. Farrah? Yes Daddy? Where you going princess? To Jake's? Ok just be careful ok? Yes Daddy. Jake? Jake? Hey Farrah. Hey guys where's Jacob? Probably playing catch up with Bella Swan you know he has a thing for her. I need to ask him something about Bella.

We'll tell you all about her what do you need to know? Thanks Sam, well she's my twin sister.... We know Jake talks about you both all the time he's the one that told Carlisle that Charlie's your dad. When? Um.... The day before Bella came back I think. She lived with your mother for while until she married Phil. How do you know this? Jake likes to hang out near your biological dad's house and talk about Bella all the time.

When do you think he'll be back? It's Bella home dog he'll be with her for a while. Gee thanks Jared. No prob vamp girl. Little snowflake. Hey only Jack and and Jacob and my brother are allowed to call me that. Hey your name is Snow right? Yeah so? Besides which brother you've got like 3? Edward.

Wow Jake's gonna just love that. Yeah, yeah shut up Seth! We always know how to get under your skin girl. Boys enough hey Farrah want something to eat? Sure Em that would be lovely. Thank you. You're always welcome here you know. I know. Now that my sister's back though she can't know anything though. Can she? If she finds out what everyone is on her own sure thing. Who can I ask about my mom around here?

Ask Jake's dad he'd know. Ok where is he? Coming up behind ya kiddo what do you need? Tell me about my mom please Mr. Black. Sure thing honey. What do you want to know? I'm a vampire and my dad has no idea my sister has no idea she lives in this world same as my dad and they're both human how did I become this way?

Your mom is or was a vampire as far as I know she found something to turn her mortal again when she moved to Florida and shortly after you were born when she took you with her until she probably had to send you to the Cullen's to her sister and her family. Esme's her sister? Yes. So Esme's my aunt? Which makes Carlisle your uncle and their kids your "siblings" your cousins.

Wow. How long have you know my mother? A very long time kiddo. Why did my mom give me up? So she could let you learn and control your powers she never wanted this kind of life for you or herself she couldn't train you herself in a world she wanted no part in. She was never really truthful to Charlie about who she was and when you and Bella were born she freaked out that you were a vampire and couldn't let Charlie find out. Why? Because she doesn't know how your father would take it? Or if he'd love her after all that.

We have a nice group of vampire's and werewolves in training here the vampires are not in training the teen wolves however are. Wolves aren't made the same way Vampires are, but they usually live just as long just as if on the off chance a wolf happens to imprint on a vampire child which is rare. But not impossible I've never seen it happen, but I've heard stories. The only way that could happen is if the parents are a mystical creature and a human sorta like you. You weren't bitten or born with 2 birth vampire parents you were just lucky to be born a full vampire. You however can still eat human food and survive on it or blood.

IDK what more there is to explain, your mother has your adoption papers with her, but for her own reasons and your safety if your dad asks for you back he can't have you Carlisle's hands are tied. Thanks. Where are my sister and Jake? In the meadow or the cliffs I think. Try calling him or mind reading him. Ok thank you so much goodbye.

*Ring ring* Jake who is that? It's Snow? Hey? What's up Cullen? Shut up Jacob! I heard him laugh on the other end of the phone. Jacob Black where are you and my sister? The laughter finally stopped and he held the phone close to him.... Um.... So I guess you figured it out. Yeah my dad told me. Carlisle or Charlie? My real uncle I guess biologically. My dad told you didn't he?!

Hey my dad told me I could go ask you about my sister then the guys told me about her then your dad came up and I wanted to know about my mom Em told me I should ask your dad and he told me, so where are you guys? Deep in the woods near the cliffs where we all go cliff jumping every once in awhile you gonna join us loca? I'll be right there, but I'm telling you now that I won't jump off that cliff unless Bella's out of the way 1st take her home after I meet her again and we all hang out and stuff and then we can come back and do whatever crazy stuff you want ok? Sure thing Snowflake see ya.

Who was that? You'll see. Jacob you know I don't like surprises. I was there in a few secs. Hey whoa where'd you come from? I wasn't too far away Bells. Who are you and how do you know my name? Allow me to formally introduce myself, hi I'm Snow aka Farrah Cullen. Farrah? Yeah? I asked my dad about you the other day your.... Bella I say taking her hands in mine, I'm your sister your twin sister.

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