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Now it was like nothing bad ever happened and now only me, Edward, and Jacob really know what happened. Now that my brother knows how I feel, maybe this time, things won't go bad, maybe this time I'll be ok, maybe this time I won't want to try and run away. One can only hope.

I was still however in the outfit I was in when this happened this first time, but I was gonna go home and change later. It was like I had made time go back since no one actually remembered meeting Bella now, except Alice, but that's because of the field trip, when she asked her if she was riding with us, but no one knows anything bad about her, or if because now that time has revered itself that she or brother were the reason why I ever ran away in the first place.

After school once again we all went to the meadow, all except I still found myself hiding away beating them there again. Edward: What are you doing everything is back to normal and it won't happen again? Hold on Bella.... Farrah come on out and hang with us. How'd you know I was there? Me: You didn't the first time. Edward: Alice told me this first time so now I knew you were there this time.

I came out of hiding. There you are come over here. We sat and answered a bunch of Bella's questions that she had about us. So does a person have to be dying to be like you guys? I mean aside from my sister of course. No uh that's just Carlisle. Didn't he just have you know bite? It was actually a little bit harder than just doing that.

Yeah you think that now, but human blood sorta sends us into some sort of wild frenzy. So how long have you been like this? Since 1918, that's when Carlisle found me, dying of some horrible disguise back in my day, he wouldn't make anyone like us that had another choice though.

What was it like? In a word? Very painful, but what Carlisle did was much, much harder, none of could ever had done what he did, ok, maybe Farrah could've, but she wasn't around then of course. He did it with me, then his wife Esme. So is he the reason you guys don't you kill? Uh, one of the reasons, but I, we don't want to be seen as monsters, we consider ourselves vegetarians, we only drink from animals, but it would be like humans living on nothing but tofu, good very healthy, keeps you strong, but you're never fully satisfied.

So was it other vampires that killed my father's friend? Yeah, there are other vampires out there we run into them from time to time, not all good, some even try to get myself Alice and Farrah to join them. So does your whole family have the mind reading power like you do? No actually, that's just us, I mean Farrah has all our powers, and rare ones, and usually we don't gain new powers, but I know I'm gaining another, and I think Farrah gets a new one like everyday. Not true!

No but Alice, she can see the future. Bet at least on of you saw me coming? No actually our sightings our subjective the future can always change.

Bella's POV
I'm learning so much about the Cullen's they answer my questions even though its possible they could get in trouble because of me, I asked Edward about his past, I'm wondering what Farrah's was like? So I'll ask her. Farrah? Yeah. She answered back. Edward told me about his past, what was yours like. I watched as she took a deep breath rubbing her arm like she was cold, I mean she's not fully like them, but I'm sure she still doesn't get cold. She looked down at her feet as if they had answer to give her until she finally spoke again.

You know that dream we've both been having since like forever? You've been having the same dream too? I asked her, but really I probably didn't have to, we're twins, I'm sure of it. I was born this way, dad doesn't know about what our mom was, and he doesn't know what I am, I joined the family since like forever ago, pretty much since birth, I've been with our biological aunt forever, for like almost 18 years.

Because Charlie isn't immortal, I wasn't a full vampire, but I still have powers, I can live off of blood or human food, but I prefer food, to blood. There's not that much to tell.

Back to normal.... The next scene comes its the next day, we go over the next day together to talk to Bella, they've been begging Edward to bring her over he keeps asking me if I'm ok with it. Yes Edward, if I wasn't they would all still know about me running away, I did this for you. You're the best.

In the morning we get and go to her house, like I said I changed (outfit 5)finally. We ran over climbed onto a tree and I caught myself giggling as we held hands jumping down onto Bella's truck. Edward made a dent in the truck that he imminently fixed.

Can't you guys at least pretend to act human I mean I do have neighbor's? What fun would that be? I asked her as Edward helped me down. She rolled her eyes. You know what I'm gonna take you to our place tomorrow. Like with your family and stuff?

Sure why not I mean you're not scared are you? Yeah we don't bite Bell's. If we did well I don't think either of us need to finish that sentence. No I know it's just what if they don't like me? We couldn't help it we burst out laughing. Sorry Bella, but it's funny because so you're not worried because you'll be around a bunch of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?

Yeah I mean I guess I am. Hey you can't be any stranger than Farrah, and we all at least have powers. Hey? He stuck his tongue out at me I did it back Bella just rolled her eyes. We look to the side. See trouble rolling up. Hi Mr. Black! I yell waving.

He tips his at at me. Edward rolls his eyes. Well gee I'm glad I amuse you both. What's up? Nothing just a complication, I'll pick you up tomorrow. What about me? You have to stay and help get ready,and maybe since she's coming over tomorrow anyway you could maybe dress nicer? What's wrong with that?

Do you really have to ask? I roll my eyes, it's not even a crop top you know I would never dress so slutty. I added the fabric to the bottom it didn't just come longer. Just wear something nice. No Black. Aw that's like asking me not to breathe. Is that an option? We knew was only joking, but.... Both: Edward?!

She lightly hit his chest, he laughed at us both. See you tomorrow, he said kissing her cheek, you dress nice. Fine. Come on let's go.

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