The almost accident

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We were back the 1st thing I did was give my sister a hug. Where have you been, and oh geez why are you so cold?! I am I've never noticed it doesn't bother me. Hey I told you not to worry sissy I told you I'm fine. Come on science class is about to start we don't want to be late we're getting new lab partners again maybe we'll be together. Actually you all missed that I sit with Edward now. Cool who else of the Cullen's is in our class? You should know you've been here all year.

It was the 1st time in long while I had seen her smile or laugh Jacob and I were the only 2 people that could do that. She has walls tall and thick that are hard to get past. I hopped that would soon change one day. Come on Bells I said laughing pulling her arm as she followed me close behind. Why are you so excited I've already learned this stuff. Then you should be good at it. come on let's not be late.

Ok geez Snow I'm coming wow you're strong. Uh.... right sorry my bad. Right? Hi Edward. Hi sis. He says taking his knuckles to my head and roughing me up some as I giggle and pull his hand away watching him smile as I go to my seat in the back. He shakes his head still smiling and laughing. When Bella sits down the lab has just begun. This is not a subject I'm good at, but luckily Jack is and he's my partner for this.

While they formally introduce each other Bella tells him about us and how she hopes they've been good to me. They work on the project as they talk and by the time they're finished we are also finished. Aw my couple of groups that are usually 1st are once again 1st now that's good and also don't forget.... He says as he goes on about the field trip we're going on next week. After all the classes are done for the day Bella stands by her truck listening to music and meanwhile Edward and I can't take our eyes off of her watching her like a Hawk Bella had said many times that she had never liked anything cold or wet and Edward had earlier made the joke of why she would then move down to Forks the coldest wettest place on Earth or at least in the US.

She had told him that story too. He had gone back to saying how he would never hurt me because I was like a real sister to him how I was the newest in a way the youngest. Well in human terms I was older than him just slightly, but vampire wise I knew they were all a lot older than me by quite a lot. She was listening to music and thinking about their talks when a friend's car went out of control and almost hit her luckily Edward and I were right there to get her out before she got crushed Edward created a dent in the one car and I helped my sister out I'm pretty sure she was in shock, but not from almost getting hit by our speed and strength her friends had called 911 her friend Tyler whose car went out of control his head had got cut and he got injured both went to the hospital Rose was mad at us for thinking we were almost exposing us to a human.

Dad and Charlie were right there taking care of them both. Charlie was angry with the boy and dad was working on Bella giving her a check up. I would've been crushed if Edward and Snow hadn't been there to stop the car and save my life. Snow? Farrah dad. Edward he your boy Doc? Sure is. I'm proud of them both. Where are they?

My other children are all outside in the lobby talking with them I'm sure Rose is well being Rose and the other's are just as grateful you're alive and that they saved you. I'm sure your glad to have such nice friends like your sister and my children. Oh well I'm not sure we're all actually friends yet. Well sure you are after all your our Snow's sister and Edward seems to like you well enough to save you I'm not sure any of my other children if given the chance would've got to you so quickly you're very lucky Isabella Swan. Actually Dr. Cullen please just call me Bella. Sure thing Bella. Well it was nice seeing you Chief Swan as always and I'll see you in the field sometime soon I hope. It's on the house sir. Have a nice night Swan's.

Did you talk to mom? Yeah I did. You shouldn't had done that though she's gonna be freaking out now I better go call her. How was she? She sounded freaked out when I told her Bells you know your mother. I'll just give you some time then come to the car when you're ready. Ok dad I'll be a while. one phone call later. Hey uh can I talk to you both for sec. Go to her both of you. Come Rose everything will be ok.

Hey sis what's up? Uh right how did you guys get to me so fast? I'll take this one Farrah. Bella I think you hit your head we were standing right next to you the whole time. No you weren't you were both with the others on the other side of the lot you ran up to me and stopped the car from hitting me. I know what I saw. I'll take it form here Edward. Bella sh, sh everything is ok you're ok now and none of that matters just thank us for saving your life and this can be over.

Uh right uh thank you. Are we done here? Not for long but for now yes. Oh Bella I said shaking my head laughing changing the atmosphere of the whole room. You just need some sleep. Bella smiled at me and nodded her head suddenly agreeing. That was the 1st night I dreamt about my sister and Edward Cullen I knew something was up and I was gonna figure it out. I have a field trip tomorrow better not forget the slip.

Wow Edward that was a close one. How do you do that? Do what? You laughed and made everything seem happy and peaceful and calm you even got your sister to agree with you and smile. I can't even read her mind. Maybe it's a twin thing because no ones powers work on me because I have all your powers and I'm a shield. Which is very rare. Alice can see her future, but that's the only power Bella can get past.

Oh come on I'd say let's go to sleep we have school tomorrow, but we don't sleep we hunt so we can still get some rest after we hunt and at least pretend to act human. Now why would we do that if we're in our own home? I giggled and he smiled and then we raced to the meadow to hunt he won, but I was super close come on we've hunted now let's go do something we haven't done in a long time just the 2 of us. You mean chase the sky until dawn? You read my mind. Very funny I can't read your mind it's just the only thing we do together without anyone else around.

Don't forget the slips for the field trip. Farrah we go on that trip all the time why are you still excited to go on it? LOL I don't have an answer, to either of your questions I just do to both of them. Both? The act human even though we're not. I miss sleep and I miss having dreams that's why I'm the only one with a bed that actually uses it. Well if you're gonna I might as well too. How do you do that? Do what? Vampires don't sleep for a reason and now I feel tired.

I'm always tired. I prefer to act human since I've never been human before. Do you forget I was the only one born this way and not both my parents were vampires and now neither is my mom because I was born this way, but with not 2 vampire parents I still have human weaknesses like the ability to loose energy and feel tired. I guess like Jasper since I have everyone's powers I can make you feel what I feel, but usually when I smile or laugh since my emotion is usually happy.

I'm also half, but mostly vampire I'll always look 17 years old and live forever and rarely ever feel pain if ever, but I can survive on blood or human food it is rare to have one parent be a vampire and the other be human but not fully impossible. Goodnight Edward. I'll just sleep beside you since I'm one of the group that actually gets affected by your powers. I hate when you get tired when I'm around because even for us we are affected by all our powers too even half bloods like you. That's not fair sis. Yeah call me what you want I'll always feel more part of this family then my biological one sweet dreams Edward. Goodnight Farrah I love you sis. He says kissing my head laying down by me falling asleep himself. When our parents walk by they suddenly feel the aura of happiness and slumber still not understanding how this is even possible and thinking how sweet we look sleeping by each other.

I feel so protected when Edward is around me he's my favorite sibling aside from Alice of my Cullen family I love my sister, but I barely know her anymore and she doesn't really know me at all or what she's about to get herself into. Poor Bella well goodnight everyone goodnight Bella and Edward can't wait for the field trip tomorrow!

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