Hospitals and maybe prom

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When Bella woke up we were hooked up to machine's. We were in beds next to each other, I hadn't woken up yet and IDK why, I'm not fully human, I should still at the very least be wide awake and slowly healing! We each had iv's in our arms, bumping more blood into our bodies, and wires hooked up in our faces giving us more oxygen. It was like I was fully human, even though I wasn't. Jack was gone somehow Victoria had compelled him to either forget about me or be evil so it wouldn't matter anyway.

James was gone, but she got what she wanted. IDK if I'd ever see him again. Everyone was swarming over Bella. Its ok though since I never woke back up yet. Bella? Bella honey wake up. Mom? Where are they? Farrah and Edward? Farrah hasn't woken up yet she's in the bed next to you, Edward is here sleeping, he never leaves, your dad's down in the cafeteria. Even though I was still blacked out I could still communicate with people. Me: Liar, you know my mom probably knows she was a vampire once herself. Edward: Actually I have been really sleeping, for your sake of course.

When do you think she'll wake up? What happened to us? You broke your leg falling down a flight of stairs, you fell throw a window, a lot of glass everywhere. Farrah tried to save you, but she fell with you, you helped pull the glass out of her, you both lost a lot of blood, her wrist snapped, and its broken in two places, she'll be ok though. She's stronger than she thinks. Edward: Your mom's right you know. Me: No she's just saying that to tell Bella that.

Edward and his dad come down to try to convince you to go home with me and Phil and that's when you guys fell down the stairs. Farrah tried to help you, but she lost her footing and you went tumbling down together. Yeah sounds like something that could happen. Oh that's Phil now, he's worried about you both. You're texting? Yeah finally after all these years it would seem. Me: Mom its ok Bella knows.

Bella I know you know. You're gonna love Jacksonville baby though, we have the cutest little house, and its sunny all the time. Wait no, actually I want to stay here, with Farrah, and dad, I never knew I had a twin before, I wanna live here spend time with her, if I left I don't know if or when I'd ever see again, I mean she can't come back to FL with us, if I came with you, she'd have to stay here, with the rest of the Cullen's, with the rest of her family. Also speaking of, will you go get dad, I wanna talk to him apologize about some things I said.

We'll talk more about this later, but yeah I'll go get him, she kisses Bella's head then my own, then leaves. Edward comes over. So where's James? What happened to Farrah? Is she gonna be ok?! Bella its ok we took care of James he can't bother us anymore. You or Farrah, Victoria compelled Jack and made him evil and forget about Farrah, we're hoping we can maybe someday get him back for her, but for now, what you need to understand is, that since Farrah isn't a full vampire she can only take so much damage to her body, and lose so much energy.

He smirks grabbing my hand, softly chuckling trying to lighten the mood, that's why when myself or Jacob, or any of the rest of us tickles her that we know when to stop so that she doesn't pass out. She'll be fine she'll heal quickly if not Carlisle will help. He's very good at that kind of thing, her wrist like your mom said is broken in two places, she lost a lot of blood. I'm alive because of the two of you. No you're both in here because of me, Farrah has to stay here, but you'll be safe in Jacksonville where I can no longer hurt you, and if it comes down to it, Farrah might have to stay with her dad or Jacob, Charlie is a last resort we can't risk him knowing.

Wait, what?! No, n-no! I can't leave, we can't be apart, and Farrah's my sister, I don't want to leave her, we can't you can't, no, no! The 3 of us can't be apart. I know. You can't say stuff like that to me, ever! You can't leave me. Where else am I gonna go? He kisses her forehead. He takes my hand rubbing it. Farrah wake up. Snow wake up kiddo. I groan and moan in pain. Sh, sh. It's ok, I'm here, I'm here.

Farrah, we need to talk. I need to explain this in the way you'll understand 

My eyes cloud with tears, I suddenly understand what he's trying to say. No you're not, you're my brother and I love you. You're not a monster Edward, this isn't your fault, James is just right. Whatever James said Farrah its not true! You can't leave me, what if something bad happens to me, where would I even go if I can't be with you?! I already don't have Jack I don't know what happened to him. Edward explains.

Can it get any worse?! Sh, sh calm down. You'd stay at Jacob's with the "pack" we can arrange it and you'll be safe there. No, I have to stay home! No you don't you can go wherever you want, as long as someone knows where you are at all times. No you're not a monster Edward, your my BFF, practically the only one I have now. You can protect me better than anyone else can.

You can't leave me, you're not allowed to. Farrah look at me. I keep crying, I'm so scared. You can't Edward that's not how it works. Ok, ok. Sh, sh. I'm right here. Farrah look at me kiddo. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Bella. Where else am I gonna go? Don't scare me like that! I'm never gonna leave you baby girl, I just want you both to be safe. We will be with you. Prom came, and we both had pretty dresses on. Bella borrowed one from Alice, I had my own (outfit 10)I didn't really want to go, but Edward said we should at least pretend to be normal, and that if I had to go he called in a favor to me. That I had to stay for an hour, then I could go surfing if I wanted to. That he suspected as much and that the favor he called was meeting us there with surf gear.

I rolled my eyes. We got ready at Bella's house. Charlie was sitting with Edward. Bella and I came down. The dress is Alice's and the cast. The casts are perfect, don't worry the girls are in safe hands Chief Swan. I heard that one before. Dad be nice to Edward. Ok fine. I mean legally Farrah's all yours anyway, apparently her dad's hands are all tied. Some agreement your mother made with the mom long ago. Girls you both look beautiful. Thanks. You girls still got that pepper spray? Dad? ok, ok.

We get in the car and leave to go to the school. When we get there Edward goes to park the car. Jacob walks over. I run over and give him a great big hug he picks me up and spins me around. Don't you look nice girls. So do you, you clean up well. So you come to crash the prom or what? Do you have a date? Yeah, but my dad gave me $20 to come talk to Bella. Of course he did! What's that supposed to mean? Oh do tell her Jacob this should be good. Tell me what? Just don't get mad, but ok he wanted me to tell you he thinks you should break up with your BF. Yep sounds like Billy.

To "quote" He said "We'll be watching!" Well tell your dad thanks. So you said you had a date who is she? Well this should be good. Two words. Surfs up. Me: Edward, what have you done?! Edward: You're welcome. I figured since Jack, you know, that your other BFF would be just as good. Looks like we're in for along night.

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