Bella's back

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Charlie had just gone to go pick Bella up from the airport, to bring her home, and my dad had told me I had a sister and that Charlie was really my dad, but Carlisle never knew so he could never tell me, not until Jacob told him he knew about me and Bella. Jake doesn't go to our school, he's only changed a couple of times out of nowhere he had found out his powers a few days back and transformed a few times since then, but since he was still so new at this transformation thing he was going to be going through some weird stages of changes before he could control his powers.

Only thing was he didn't know when or how. He still had his long hair and no tattoo yet. Bella would be going to my school, tomorrow would be all of our 1st days of school again since we go whenever our parents tell us to. Today wasn't that day. My sister didn't remember I even existed and Charlie never told her about me. He also didn't know I lived with the Cullen's now. Charlie got Bella a welcome home present which was a truck and it was pretty nice if I do say so myself Jacob and me and the other guys helped to fix it up and Jacob picked me up on his motorcycle and we went over to their house.

Hey Charlie? Hey Bella you remember Jacob Black the 2 of you used to be best friends. I remember dad. I'd give it at least a day to tell her I was he twin sister that just wasn't something you sprung on someone like that on their 1st day back home. And whose this? I'm Jake's friend. Do you have a name? Yeah, but call me Snow that's what everyone else calls me. Well it's nice to meet you and it's good to see you again Jake, but if you'll both excuse me I'll be unpacking now.

The next day at school when all the Cullen's walked in her new friends at lunch had introduced us all as we walked in to the school explaining us she then had asked about Edward and Jessica and told about Edward and his story then Jack and I walked in together, yes still Jack Frost. And whose she? Her name is Farrah she's the newest of the group other than Jasper and she's 16 and her parents are separated her parents had her and another child and she went home with the mom, but I guess something happened and now she lives with the Cullen's rumor has it though her dad lives here in town like her biological dad and he has no idea she's here or has been living with them for a while now her name is Snow aka Farrah Cullen and she's pretty and preppy and a little weird though, but ok so the Cullen's are all beautiful, but Edward and Farrah are the prettiest at least I think.

Thanks Jessica. For? I talked to her yesterday and she wouldn't tell me her real name in front of my dad and me, but my friend Jacob kept looking at her like he knew something I didn't. I'm gonna go home and figure this out. So she did. He Bella how was school? It was ok. Hey dad? Yeah do you know a girl named Farrah? Yeah why what about her? Well she goes to my school. At that moment he dropped the newspaper and looked in shock.... You mean she's back here again and not with her mother, that woman G-D she doesn't tell me anything!

What is it dad?! Farrah is your twin sister. How'd she end up with the Cullen's? IDK something must've happened either to your mother or something else happened and I'm gonna find out what.

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