La Push the not so crowded beach as Edward claims it to be

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Back on the bus I was completely silent. Farrah? Edward asked me nudging me with his arm. I ignored him. I didn't even mean to talk to him, but I couldn't control my powers. I met just to yell at him to leave me alone in my own mind, not for him to read my thoughts, but that didn't work. Edward: Farrah what's wrong, you're making us all have mixed emotions here?!

Me: Why did you have to be so rude to my sister?!

Edward: So this is what this is all about?! Silence....

Edward: Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude towards Bella, but you know we can't let her find out about us. more silence.

Edward: Farrah please talk to me, you're horrible with your powers I know you're trying to block me out like you do Jasper, but it's not gonna work.

Me: I know we can't let her find out, but she's still my sister, I never even knew she existed until now. *sigh* It's just hard you know, learning about your biological family. Your "dad" is really my biological uncle, he's Esme's husband and she's my mom's sister, which really would if we were blood related, be "cousins," but we aren't really related so in the "family" we all date each other except for you.

Edward: That's because you're all I'll ever need Farrah, you're my one and only little sis. I didn't mean to upset you, I just, IDK I feel like if we all become friends it's gonna be harder for me to resist her. Her blood smells so good I just need to have a taste, but I can't hurt her or you. WE don't drink human blood, but Bella's is like the dessert children want after a meal. You know?!

Me: I understand.

Edward: Farrah I said it would be better if we weren't all friends, not that I didn't want to be. I think especially for you, it would be great for the Cullen's to all be friends with Bella after all we did just save her. She's still your sister I don't want to pull her away from you, I want her to be someone in your life.

Edward: You know just as well as we all do Jacob's kind as werewolf's, I prefer you have someone like Bella as a friend, but you 2 same as Bella apparently have been best friends with Jacob Black for a while now. I don't get a say in something like that. I may not ever be blood for you, but you'll still always be my little sister, and I'll always love you like a real sibling. Can you forgive me for ever hurting you?!

Me: Sure why not?!

Edward: That's good, Edward said smiling, because if you hadn't on your own I would've used forced.

Me: Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, you are pure evil!

Edward: Yeah well who said we were really the good guys sis?! He says evil smiling.

Me: Edward don't you dare don't you even think about!

Edward: Ha-ha, no need for force now little sis you've already forgiven me.

Back at home at Bella's house....

So Bella you're mom called, yet again. Yeah well you shouldn't have worried her. Yeah I know she was always good at that. She seems really happy, with uh, what's his face? You mean Phil dad? Yeah him. Yeah he's, he's uh great dad.

The next day at school Bella's friends ask her about going to La Push Beach. What is that? It's this great hang out place that everyone hangs out at. Tomorrow we're all going. Yeah we don't just surf the web girl if you know what I mean?! I hear them talking about La Push, because I'm not fully one of them my dad let's me do whatever I want. I mean I am fully, fully, but my dad is mortal, and I can live forever young, but eat human food and drink blood.

I was born like this not as a forbidden vampire child either I was born a full vampire from my mom I'm lucky to be like this I'm part "mortal" I suppose since I can live off of human food and stuff, I can still get hurt too. We vampires can get hurt just we can usually just heal ourselves right away. My powers are also slowly coming in so I can't just do it right away I have to focus on healing. My dad trusts Jacob, mostly because he's the only real friend I've ever had that doesn't blame me for what I am. Jacob and his pack only sometimes get along with our kind if we all need to. We haven't "needed" to until the Swans came along.

Jacob accepts me, and my family accepts Jacob the way he is, and as my very best friend aside from my brother. Like I said I heard them talk about La push, and joined in. Yeah right you stood up like once. What are you talking about Cullen you don't go to La Push Beach?! Yeah I do, but only me. I think I've seen you guys out surfing there a couple of times.

Ok yeah says you Eric says, what are you some kind of shark, you're lungs are killer bro, and you can surf like nobodies business. Yeah I know, I work hard. Do your parents know you surf?! Heck yeah Bells they've watched me shred before on the waves, it's not something we usually do, but the only time they go is if Jacob knows I'm surfing and can witness it, so he can watch and report back.

Yeah, it's like they own that area, if she's out there doing some surf stuff like an event that she's entered her self into or if it's late and night, and her dad doesn't want her out alone he sends Edward and Jack out with her. Other then that the Cullen's don't go there, but I'm sure Jacob can tell you more. They go down there like every day, call themselves the pack. She's like an unofficial member of the group, just because she says her father trusts her only around Jake, that she's sorta special, but if it were any of the others he wouldn't let them, but then again I've never seen the others hang out with the "pack." Jessica says. Right Snow?

Huh uh, yeah, you've seen us? Yeah sometimes. you've got some killer moves girl. Yeah I think I'd like to see some of these moves. You got a name with those moves lil sis? Sis? Yeah Snow's my biological twin sister, she's adopted by the Cullen's my mom apparently says Charlie can't get her back for everyone's own safety, from what I have no idea, look at her, Bella says cracking a smile poking my side, does she look dangerous to you?

Looks can be deceiving Bells, just remember that. Look at you though you're just skin and bones, you don't look like you could hurt anything. Let alone me. I'm stronger then you might think, but I'm still really weak. Just, come on you guys look at this look at her. She says still smiling and laughing continuing to poke at my sides. Bella stop it. I laugh.

Alice: AW sisterly love.

Me: Alice I can hear you.

Alice: That was the point little sister.

Me: Rolls eyes, sticks out tongue.

Me: Hey Jacob, you guys gonna meet us at La Push tomorrow.

Jacob: Yeah sure you surfin?

Me: You know it!

Jacob: Anyone coming out, better let me know now so I can report back to Sam to keep an eye out for any non Farrah, and "friends" intruders, to our beach, little vampire.

Me: Naw Jakey it's just me comin' out from our kind.

Jacob: I still can't believe Carlisle let's you come to La Push.

Me: Yeah whatever.

Jacob: Hey do me a favor?!

Me: Yeah, yeah get out of your head and stop reading your thoughts, we've had this convo, before.

Jacob: K see ya vampire girl! Tongue sticking out.

Me: Oh grow up Jacob Black. Does it back rolling eyes....

Both: Lol bye!

Seriously though Bella, cut it out. What kiddo, I'm your sister this is fun, I don't think I've ever smiled or laughed so much in my life, much less. with a kid twin sister I ever knew I even knew. Yeah how do you do that, it's like you walk into the room and the aura changes everyone's mood to the one your in. That's awesome.

It's a gift, people just can't help, but be happy, and have a good time when I'm around. Come on Bella come with us it's La Push?! Alright if I promise to come you have to stop saying that.

A few mins. later Bella goes to go get food I stand by her next to Edward. I watch as she picks up an apple almost dropping it to the floor getting surprised by Edward, and me. Edible art? He asks her picking it up from midair bouncing off his foot. Bella? I ask finishing his sentence. Uh thanks, BTW your mood swings are kind of confusing me, at least with my sister it's easy.

Her mood hell yes. Her, well not so much, he says smiling a toothy smile at me, as I stick out my tongue. Oh come on grow up Snow. Frigidity *gasping* noises of huffs, and other childish whining noises. BTW I said it would be better if we as in you and me were not friends, not that I never wanted to be. What does that mean?!

He means if you were smart he'd think you'd stay away from him. Well, he walked up to me, so that's on him. Well how about, this let's say for this argument I'm not smart will you tell me the truth?! No, probably not. Ok well then I know someone, she says looking over at me evil smiling the way Edward does, before he threatens me, or is about to go through with said "threat."

She can't, she knows she's not allowed too. He says giving me a pearly white grinned smile. I push on him to try and get him to back off. Besides I'm sure we'd love to hear what you think?! Edward tells, her as she lists common superhero stuff. You see Bella that's all hero stuff, but what if we aren't the hero, what if we're the other guy?! I can see that you're not, yours is just a mask, you and all the other Cullen's except my sister, who tries so hard to keep her emotions in.

I know it's coming and squirm away before she can grab my side. I know she's like a sister to me, Bella. He says also trying to grab at me, as I jump back Bella's direction sticking my tongue out at him, Bella traps me in sisterly hug smiling. Hey, you know let's you and I get together and hang out everyone's coming down to the beach tomorrow you should come.

Which beach?! Both: (Mine in my thoughts) La Push. He gives me this you know we can't except you look.

Edward: Farr's you know we can't.

Me: I can, and if I'm part of one of my surfing things you can come.

Edward: Yeah, but I don't feel like dealing with Jacob. Be careful around him.

Me: Oh Edward, you worry too much.

Come on Edward I hear your sister surfs. Bella says not letting go of me from her sisterly "hug." Usually I'd love to watch her surf, he says tussling my hair.

Me: Edward don't you dare, don't you, *ug*

Edward: Sticks tongue out.

But sorry it's just that, that beach is kind of crowded, Farrah would know she rides those waves all the time. Yeah well ok. See ya around then. When I got home. Hey dad I'm going surfing with Bella and her friends tomorrow. Ok honey be careful. I will. Jack go with her. But dad?! Now I gotta tell Jacob Jack's coming. I'm kidding, I would've sent Edward with you anyways.

Aw Carlisle. I'd be alright, don't try to ruin the winter spirit fun. You'll go with her someday Jackson, be patient. Fine. Good, did everyone do their homework? Farrah Edward? Yes daddy. Yes Carlisle. Edward laughs yawning. Hey you're no fair Snow. Ha-ha. Catch me if you can Edward!

Those are fighting words little sister. There they go again. Esme says, rolling her eyes. Oh look you all came back dear. Carlisle?! Ok, alright calm down now you little wild things. I swear sometimes you two aren't even vampires, but dogs the way you two play so wild, and rough. Naw dad don't start. Goodnight everyone sweet dreams. Since when do we sleep? For the last 17 years Edward, you're the only one that hasn't caught up to that, as long as this one is around, we'll always be like normal humans, with normal human weaknesses even while we're not around humans, because even though really, she's fully one of us her biological father is mortal, so she's technically "half."

So why does that effect us? We've been over this, its because of her powers, she has everyone's powers, she just has to learn better to control them, emotion is major from her powers. Being "half" and having powers effects all of us it's rare, but not impossible. Now everyone go to sleep. Please!

The next day I go in my body suit and grab my surf board, heading over to Jake's so he can drive me over. Hop on surer girl. Don't mind if I do, I say jumping onto the back of his motorcycle. Hold on tight. You know it wild thing. We get there pretty fast the other pact members coming up driving up close by us. Hey Cullen welcome back. Good to be back you guys.

So I keep thinking Eric will ask me to prom and he just doesn't. Go ask him yourself Angela, you're a strong independent women. I am? Yes. I answer back Take charge girlfriend. You know girls you're right I'm just gonna ask him. Then Jacob runs over. Bella?! Jacob?! (Girly oohing sounds) Farrah stop. Ha you can't poke me this time this suit is super thick. Yeah, Jacob says, super thick, but can't get past me. He says putting me in a head lock.

Jacob Black behave. So help me I'll have my brother come down and beat you up. He let's go of me. You can't do that, you wouldn't dare. Bella watches our childish exchange, laughing. Come on you guys let's just have some fun. You guys this is Jacob. Hi Jacob. Hey guys. So what you stalking us now? No way this is our beach babe.

You surf? Bella? No are you kidding she doesn't do nothing. Yeah now that your here you can keep my sister company. Why? Cause her date didn't show up. What date? I just did it to be nice. Yeah sure sis. Jacob so you mind. Ha- ha nope! Hey?! I chase after him normal human speed. She invited Edward Cullen. We race back.

We were half down the beach wrestling in the sand. HEY YOU GUYS CUT IT OUT! Sam yells as we run back, stopping our childishness. Yeah the Cullen's are kind of freaks. Hey?! Not you. No she's the biggest. Sam?! He laughs a low laugh smiling at me. Yeah she's not as bad as the rest, she's cool. Hey get on out there and surf with us. Don't mind if I do.

This is so fun! I'm queen of the world. Hey don't go under there's a big one coming in. Who me? Never! Come on shark paddle back in. Jacob and Bella play catch up as I surf with Sam, Eric Angela, and Jessica and Mike. Come on hun, Carlisle's gonna be wondering what happened to you and send Edward out. We can't have that. You don't want that.

So what now? Are you gonna go all evil older brother on me too, I've already got Edward for that I don't need another one. Yeah well as you know as the leader of this pack, you are part of ours and one of them. We all look out for each other, you know that. Come on swim back. A big wave comes. I concur it big time, but then go under. As Bella and Jacob walk along, I yell, I'M OK! Out to both them so they can hear me.

Jacob shakes his head at me laughing as they continue their stroll. You're sister's a crazy one I'll give her that. Yeah, so tell me, what does everyone mean by the Cullen's except my sister don't come here?

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