Sick? Running away

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I heard a knock on my door. I was sleeping so there was no, come in. He opened the door slowly, quietly. Snow? He came into my room, to check on me, nothing was gonna stop Edward from seeing me. Even the countless family members that had stood in his way.

Farrah? He stood in the door way and just looked at me, I kind of looked like I wasn't even breathing, but I was. Come on sis wake up this isn't funny! Edward?! No Carlisle, I need to be in here I need to see her. Edward listen to me. He came over and placed his hands on his shoulders.

Edward tried to pry his hands off, but Carlisle wouldn't move. He looked over at me, sick as a dog, bags covering my eyes, cheeks paled, I looked like I was freezing, even though that wasn't possible. Look at me Edward. She's fine, or she's going to be.

She got really sick somehow. I'm gonna take great care of her, ok? He didn't take his eyes off of me, no matter how many times Carlisle moved his head to meet his own eyes. For as long as we've all been around Edward, so Carlisle being the oldest one, IDK if even once we had seen Edward cry.

Now he was, because of me. Edward, Farrah is gonna be ok. Edward tried so hard to wipe away his tears, but they just wouldn't stop coming. Are you sure? Yes Edward, everything is gonna be ok. Well, I'm gonna leave now, I'll leave you to be in here on your own time.

He said smiling calmly at Edward running his hand through Edward's hair. Edward tried hard to smile back, but he was just too worried for me. Carlisle sighed leaving the room closing the door behind him. Is she going to be ok? Esme asked him later.

Yes sweetheart Farrah will be ok, she's a strong one, Edward I'm not sure about, It's probably killing him to know how bad Farrah is. He'll get over it I'm sure. IDK dear, Farrah and Edward, have the closest bond any sibling fake or real, vampire or human could ever possibly have, it's almost as if in another life they could've really been brother and sister.

Ain't that the truth darling. A few weeks later, health wise I was fine, but that had been a month, Edward didn't tell Bella, because he didn't want to worry her. They went out and pretended nothing bad ever happened. In the meantime.....

My POV.....

This is the worst! I mean I'm super happy for my brother and all, but I also feel guilty that I'm acting so selfish, I just wanted my brother to myself or my sister all to myself. They go through their days as if I'm not even there, and I feel like a 3rd wheel.

I feel ignored, even when the rest of the family doesn't see it that way. If I want Edward, or my sister back, I'm gonna have to get them to pay attention to me, and in order to do that I have to either act like a huge brat or pull the I don't care about anything look, and skateboard my way around school.

I know my brother has some of my stuff in his room, what's that all about? Anyway I'll have to go see if Rose will give me a makeover. *Ug* a sentence I never wish I'd have to hear myself say. Edward's picking up Bella, to take her to school with us. I'll look super boss.

Ok well that only annoyed him a little bit, as much as I hate drawing attention to myself, if I want my brother or sister back to myself, I mean I don't like being selfish it makes me feel guilty, but Edward's always been my brother and I just met my sister, so, the two people that like really care about me are starting to ignore me, it's making me feel bad, I hate the feeling of being ignored, unwanted, unneeded, and unloved, by my two favorite siblings.

I do realize I have more of them, but they don't understand me the way Edward does, and they absolutely don't care about me in the same caring way that Edward does, and Bella is my real sister, who I haven't seen in like ever, who I never even knew existed, and vise versa, but seriously?! I just really wanted them to be friends I didn't think they'd become a couple so fast.

This is tearing me apart. I've tried to pretend like I don't care, but really on the inside, I'm bawling my heart out. I just really want my brother back, not to sound mean to my sister, but GO HOME BELLA! Either that or just at least be friends with Edward. He's mine, now that she walked into the picture that's all he cares about he doesn't care about me anymore, he just wants to spend time with Bella.

I'd go annoy Jake, but he's just as bad. He's got this huge crush on Bella, but I haven't had the the heart to break his, when mine is already in that process. I'm starting to get super weak and IDK why? The problem? Well if I start to feel any super strong emotion, other than happiness, then apparently I start to get sick, or at least really weak.

The most emotion I've been strongly is sadness, it goes with the strong feeling of being forgotten and feeling like I'm being ignored, or unloved or whatever. I don't want to feel this way. I hid away while they were at the meadow. I was listening to him tell her about our powers.

It was raining and I was a mess, my face was stained with so many tears, and I was started to feel dizzy, and sick to my stomach. This shouldn't be a thing I can heal super fast I'm a vampire for crying out loud! It's what we do, we heal fast!

I need to get home. When I finally got home, I could barley even move, Alice told Edward, she saw me at the meadow, that I came home. Emmett was sent to keep Edward from coming up, while I rested, Carlisle was in my room trying to take care of me.

Now I'm better and they go on like it never happened I don't want to worry anyone so I haven't told them how I feel about Edward and Bella. It would break their hearts, that and I'd get both of them in trouble, I love them both so much, I don't want to get them in trouble, but I'm so weak, and feel so alone, Jack doesn't even know about any of this, he's been at the NP for a while, I'm not sure he's even met my sister.

No one's around great, it's evening just after hunting time, everyone should be asleep, we do that, for my sake. If they weren't I couldn't be doing what I'm about to do right now. I've decided to pack a bag and leave, take whatever's mine and go off to one of our other homes, in like Antarctica or Alaska or some other cold barren place.

Wish me luck. I might as well do the right thing, and tell them I ran away, maybe I'll tell them why, I can only hope that if I do that, that Edward will find the note first and not anyone else, I don't want him to feel bad, but at the same time I wish he would, just to get my point across, let's see how long it will take until they realize I've gone missing.

Note: Dear everyone this concerns, (I left a note on the doorstep of the wolves place, hey if anything comes out of me leaving they'll at least have to look together to find me.) I've been weak and sick, and the only way that's possible is because I've been feeling an emotion strongly other than happiness, at first when Bella and Edward started dating I was really happy, because they were friends, but when we went to the meadow the first time of the 3 of us, I had this worried feeling that I'd become a 3rd wheel, and I know they never met to, but I started to feel like that, I don't want to sound selfish, but it's made me feel guilty, I just want my brother or my sister all to myself, Edward is the one person, that cared, loved, or understood me the most, he took great care of me, and was super overprotective of me, then Bella came, I'm glad they became friends, I'm glad they're a couple, but not when I feel the way I do, unloved, unwanted, and ignored.

So I'm writing to say, catch ya later, maybe I'll see you all around sometime, but it probably won't be soon, don't wait up for me, don't worry about me, I'm fine, I promise, but I've run away from home, I've left the same note on the opposing side's doorstep as well, if anything comes of this at least both sides will be working together, I'm sorry that I'm a selfish little brat even if none of you see it that way, cause I do, I feel like it's selfish to just want one or the other to myself, I've only ever had Edward to myself, and it's hard to see him hanging around someone other than me, anymore when it used to be 24/7. I love you all please promise me you won't do or say anything to get them in trouble or break them apart, I want them together their a great little couple, and I can see the future looking bright for them both, and not a subjective one like Alice's. I'll miss you all, xoxo love Farrah aka Snow..... P.S. Don't tell Jack I left it would break his heart.

The Twilight TwistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora