"Guys, I have to go now." He announced, slinging his bag strap over his shoulder.

"What! Why?" Ben exclaimed.

"It's nothing. I'll see you tomorrow." Troye said and walked out of the cafeteria.

It was almost 1:05 when Troye walked into the library, after 5 minutes of wandering around the school searching for it. Now the only thing left to do was find the Romance section- an easy feat despite the size of the room. Following the signs hanging from the ceiling, he made his way to the romance books. He was about to turn around a book case when he heard two familiar voices.

"Connor, calm down. It's going to be okay." He heard Zoe say.

"No it won't. He'll probably hate me afterwards then never talk to me ever again." Connor replied. Troye drew in a sharp breath. They were talking about him. This is a trick isn't it? Whatever they're gonna do isn't going to be nice, he told himself. After a few seconds he finally got the courage to walk into the small clearing within the book shelves, more nervous than before after hearing the two older teenagers talk.

Zoe was the first to see Troye shuffle around the books. Connor had his back facing Troye and his eyes closed. After a long talk with Zoe, he had finally decided to talk to Troye and maybe even admit he had a crush on the Australian. Unfortunately, he was still hung up on the thought Troye would hate him- either for that or Saturdays incident. He was partially surprised about what Zoe said upon Troyes arrival, but he didn't say anything.

After Zoe finished her small speech to Troye and Connor about them both having "hidden feelings they needed to talk about" and such, she spun Connor around, making his eyes shoot open. She gave him a quick hug and whispered in his ear, "Just tell him how you feel about him. It'll be okay." On her way out she patted Troye lightly on the shoulder. There was a bit of tension after she left, so Connor tried to change it.

"Hi." He said, looking at the floor.

"Hi." Troye repeated the greeting, as he started to walk towards Connor. Unfortunately, about two yards from Connor, he tripped over a stray book. He could've got hurt if Connor hadn't darted forward to catch him. That led into Troye being pulled into an unintentional hug that only lasted a few seconds. Blushing, Troye stepped back.

"Sorry." He apologised, bashfully staring at his feet. He glanced up when he heard a small chuckle.

"It's okay Troye."

"Um, okay. Why exactly are we here?"

"Uh," Connor paused, "Zoe was saying we need to talk to each other." Troye nodded and both boys fell silent.

"Connor. About Saturday, I really didn't mean to offend you." Troye said after building up the courage to talk. The older boys head shot up.

"Troye, you didn't offend me. It's just that I, um, I" Connor stuttered, nerves building up and butterflies going crazy in his stomach. He could tell that his cheeks had gone a pinkie-red colour.

"You what? Hate me? I get that a lot." Troye assumed. It was safe to say he was still hung up on Connor not replying.

"No. I don't hate you. I'm sorry I didn't reply to your text, I was just distracted. I mean, you called me cute. That means a lot to me, Troye." Connors response left Troye speechless, "Can I just tell you something? Promise you won't freak out."

"I won't. Pinkie promise."

Connor inhaled.

"Um, well, I, uh, have, um," He started, "I have a crush on you! On Friday when we went to get ice cream, it wasn't because I was bored and no one would go with me. I just wanted to spend time with you."

"Connor." Troye gasped.

"And before you say anything else, I kinda think, well, have a suspicion, that I know you have a crush on me too. I kinda gathered from the texts, and Zoe told me."

Troye nodded and Connor approached him.

"Hey, let me see your beautiful eyes." Connor said, using two fingers to lift the younger boy's chin up. Looking in Connors eyes, Troye smiled a small, closed-mouthed smile.

"Um, Connor. What do we do know?" He asked.

"I don't know. Go on a date, maybe?" Troye eagerly nodded at the suggestion, "Okay. I'll text you later Troye Boy."

"Okay. Bye Con Da Bon." Troye smiled and walked off. Connor couldn't help but stare at his ass as he walked away.

Hey guys.

Sorry for the (quite) late update. I kinda didn't finish writing it until Monday and I usually type it up inn two sessions. But Chapter 6 will be up by next Monday.

Also, A Work In Progress is out! I was lucky enough to be able to pre order it and have already read it once (then started reading it again). I liked it and thought it was a good read, but it would definitely not be at the top of my list. I liked the style that it was written in, but I found it a bit, I don't know- not boring, but yeah. If you've gotten it (and already read it) what did you think?

And today there will be no shameless self-promotion. But if you enjoyed reading this chapter, maybe vote and comment? I mean, you don't have to but it would be nice and yeah.

One last ting, and this really excited me- Australian has over 200 total reads. This is honestly a big deal- the first chapter was published literally just under 6 weeks ago (wow) and with my previous fanfic it's taken well over a year to get not even 550 reads. At the current rate of over 200 reads in 6 weeks, in another 6 weeks I could have over 400. This is kinda a big deal; and I'm really happy and just yay! So thank you to the people who read this.

-Phoenix xx

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