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Hesitantly, Troye walked into the crowded halls of the school. It was Tuesday and he hadn't spoken to Connor since Saturday. You fucked up Troye, he told himself, you shouldn't have said anything about it. And now Connor hates you. Thoughts such as these had been going through Troye's head for the past two days, and he continued thinking them as he walked to his locker.

When he got to said locker, Troye couldn't actually get to it. In front of him stood a nervous looking Trevor, Zoe Sugg (AKA one of the most known girls in the school- you had to be living under a rock not to know her) and Tyler Oakley. Troye was, to say the least, intimidated. From what he had picked up, these were two of the most popular people in the school. They were also Connor's friends- maybe they were going to do something to Troye because of what he said on Saturday, even though it wasn't an insult or whatever Connor thought it was.

"We need to talk." Zoe stated as she looked straight into Troye's eyes. He nodded.

"Can I get my things from my locker? He asked and Tyler moved aside. He walked up to his locker, quickly opening it and stuffing his Spanish book into his bag.

"Sorry." Trevor said, not looking at him. Troye nodded and followed Zoe and Tyler. They ended up in an empty corridor in the Music block.

"We need to talk." Zoe repeated what she had said earlier.

"About what?" Troye asked, his hands sweating slightly. He knew what they meant though.

"What did you say to Connor?" Tyler began the interrogation as his nostrils flared.

"Uh, um," Troye stuttered, "I said I saw you in Forever 21 and that when he held the dress up to himself he looked cute, and then that if he wore a dress it wouldn't look bad. I didn't mean to offend him." When he had finished speaking, Zoe was smiling.

"Troye, Troye, Troye," Tyler smirked, "You have no idea what you've done." The look of terror on Troye's face made Zoe add to the conversation.

"It isn't anything bad Troye. It's just that C" She was cut off by Caspar Lee and Joe walking into the corridor, talking loudly and followed by Finn Harries. She grabbed Troyes wrist and pulled him after her, heading to the main hallway. She smirked at Joe, Caspar and Finn as she passed. When they were in the hall, she turned to Troye.

"Go to the Romance section of the library at 5 past 1. Now go to your first class." Zoe said then walked away, leaving Troye confused.

Troye was distracted all morning. Why would he need to go to the library at lunch- in the Romance section no less. He did try to pay attention to what the teachers were saying but it was no use.

He was currently in Maths. The teacher, Mr Wilams, was talking about area and perimeter and Troye was staring out of the window, watching the clouds go about their day. His hand was moving, marking the page on the desk with 'Connor', each word in the middle of a love heart.

"Whatcha' writing?" Ben asked, leaning over to look. Troye quickly covered the page with his arm.

"It's nothing." Ben snorted at Troyes response.

"Yeah right. I saw you write Connor. You have a crush on him, don't you?" This caught the attention of Alexis, who was sitting in front of them.

"Troye has a crush on Connor? As in Franta?" She asked as she turned around to look at the two boys. Troye sighed and shook his head as Ben mouthed "yes". He turned to a clean page and started working on the questions written on the board. The lesson went fast after that and the bell soon rang to signal the start of lunch.

Troye followed Ben and Alexis to the cafeteria and joined them in the usual routine of getting food then sitting down at the table with Luke, Mikey, Danny and Paul. He was currently thinking about how to tell them he had to leave early. They'd probably ask questions and he wasn't ready for that. His friends would probably think he was meeting up with Connor- yeah right, he thought. Glancing at his phone, Troye gulped.

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