Chapter 35: Execution of a Lord

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George sat on the dirt floor, and pressed his back against the cold stone walls of the dungeon. Seated across from him were Sapnap and Skeppy. Both of them looking grim, but trying to be strong for his sake.

The sound of footsteps suddenly echoed through their dungeon, but George kept his gaze to his lap. He knew exactly who it was.

"I genuinely hoped that it wasn't true," Steven said.

George spared the king a glance and a weak smile. "And I genuinely hoped that you weren't this efficient. If you were to care about your subjects as much as you care about your crown, then we wouldn't be here."

Steven's jaw tightened and his brow furrowed in irritation, and George basked for a moment in his small victory.

"So how did you find out?" The young Earl asked.

Steven nodded towards the man besides him. George strained his neck to see Eret shifting nervously besides the King.

He let out a scoff, "Why hello traitor, I guess even Pawn can completely misjudge a person. Let me guess, the only reason why we are the only Chess Masters locked up, is because your footman doesn't know anything but the faces of the other members."

"You really ought to be more careful about saying your full name Marleigh." Steven pointed out.

The brunette huffed, "So how am I to be executed? Am I to be hanged? Poisoned? Beheaded? Or perhaps you would like to make my end an eccentric one, and have me walk the plank?" There was a hint of satire and mirth in the man's voice, and Steven didn't know how to react to the Earl's sass.

"I believe a good old fashion beheading will suit you better," Steven replied, after taking a minute to regain his bearings.

George pouted like a child, "You are a bore, Your Majesty." he stated.

"I will make sure to hire a professional swordsman so your end is a swift one, for Dayton's sake." Steven informed before he and Eret left.

If only you knew, George thought.

His servants gave him an incredulous look.

"You never cease to impress us My Lord," Skeppy said with a wry smile.

"Even on death's door, you are still tempted to irk people." Sapnap continued, trying his best to sound cheerful.

"Well if I am to be executed, I would like it to be an interesting death." George pointed out, before turning away and staring at the small barred window of their cell.

He could see the clouds gracefully float through the sky, and his mind traveled to a certain green eyed Duke.

A sad smile tugged at his lips. I should have kissed you longer My Love, he thought before closing his eyes to bask in the fond memories, as he waited for his execution.


Dream peeked out of the cabin's windows, to find the other members waiting patiently outside. With a nod to Techno, the pair stepped out. After informing everyone of the situation, and giving their men some time to process everything, Techno led them all into the cabin's basement. There, they found the walls lined with every possible weapon one could think of.

"I am ready for revolution boys," Techno stated with a smug smile.

"Grab what you need, then head back up immediately. If Queen was successful, we only have a small window of opportunity for the attack." He added, before the men scrambled for whatever they could get their hands on.

"Here," Techno said, handing Dream, Karl, and Bad an extra sword each.

"Queen and his servants will join in the fight once we arrive, but they probably will not have any weapons on them." The pink haired man explained.

They said their thanks, and took the swords to give to their respective partners later. Once everyone was geared up and back on the surface, they each mounted their horses and they waited for Wilbur and Jschlatt.

Wilbur gave both Sally and Tommy a hug, before pecking little Fundy on the forehead. Meanwhile, Jschlatt and Quackity were hugging Tubbo, and whispering words of comfort. After giving Pawn a nod, they headed to their horses.

Each member gave Techno a smile before he gave the order, and they rode off towards the palace.


The door of the cell creaked open, as a couple of guards grabbed George, Skeppy, and Sapnap, and brought them up to their feet. Then they were then quickly bound up with thick ropes.

One of the guards harshly pushed the Earl towards the door, causing the brunette to stumble a bit.

"Get your hands off him!" His servants yelled in anger.

George shot them a smile to ensure them that he was alright. He then straightened up, and he walked out of the dungeon with his head held high. The guards then guided him towards the platform were his execution would take place.

There were scores of people waiting outside the palace walls. It appeared that Steven wanted to set an example, and snuff out the sparks of rebellion in the people's hearts, by making George's execution a public event.

Steven sat besides Alexandra on top of the palace walls, watching the brunette's every move. George stood before everyone proudly, as a man from the palace walls announced his sentence with a loud voice.

"George Henry Davidson, you have been charged with high treason, and have been found guilty. By decree of His Majesty, King Steven of Adelyss, you are to be beheaded this very day."

A roar of protest erupted from the crowd, many begging the King for mercy.

The executioner came forward with a black mask covering his face, and a sharp sword in hand.

"Forgive me for what I am about to do my Lord," George heard the man say to him, with a sincere tone of guilt and grief. George looked at him with kindness and nodded.

The guards pushed George to his knees, and once again his servants struggled against the men holding them down.

"Do not worry, you shall soon follow him to hell," one of the guards evilly whispered to Sapnap and Skeppy.

The crowd cried out to George, yelling their gratitude for all the times he showed then kindness. He gave them all a sad smile, then placed his head on the chopping block.

The executioner took in a sharp breath, before raising the sword and swiftly bringing it downward.

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