Chapter 14: Playful Duel

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"You are skilled with the sword," Dream stated, as they rode back to the estate.

Shortly after the Thornhopes left, Dream decided that it was time for them to leave as well. They said good-bye to Antfrost and Red, and once again promised to attend their upcoming ball.

They found their valets leaning on the carriage, laughing loudly. George was tempted to ask Sapnap on what the pair did while they were at the ball, but decided against it to respect his privacy.

"I had a few lessons," George responded, as he kept his eyes to the window and watched the scenery pass by.

"Mayhaps we could spar some time," Dream suggested.

George turned to face him with a confident smile, "I do hope your skills in fencing are much better than your skills in chess, or it will be a very boring match Your Grace."

Dream's jaw tightened.

"You are easily irked," George pointed out in a nonchalant tone.

"I am not."

"You are frowning Your Grace. Such an expression does not suit your lovely face."

When the Earl saw Dream blush at his words and turn his head away, he smirked.

"You are blushing Dream," George teased.

"Oh do bloody shut up George!" Dream snapped, before completely facing away from the giggling Earl.

Dream did not dare to look at the Earl, fearing that he would only be teased again. A comfortable silence came upon the pair, and Dream found himself dozing off to sleep.


"Your Grace we have arrived," a soft voice spoke. Dream opened his eyes to see Karl peeking into the carriage window.

"I'll drive Lord Marleigh back to his villa, then I shall return and help prepare you for bed," the valet informed.

The Duke's sleepy eyes finally focused, and he turned to see George slumped in his seat, fast asleep. A small smile was on the Earl's lips, and his pale cheeks were reflecting the moonlight.

"I will accompany you to the villa," Dream said.

Karl looked confused for a moment, but when he saw his master glance over at a sleeping George, he smirked, then headed back to the driver's seat.

When they arrived, Karl and Sapnap climbed down to assist their masters. Sapnap opened the carriage door and planned to wake George up, but then he saw Dream leaning over the brunette. The valets merely watched, as the Duke gently scooped up the sleeping Earl in his arms.

Karl and Sapnap shared a smirk, before clearing the way for Dream to exit the carriage, and enter the villa.

Bad and Skeppy were in the middle of a card game, when they heard the door open. The pair were quick to run and greet them, but stopped in their tracks when they saw George fast asleep in the Duke's arms. The butlers were about to tease the blonde, when he threw them a warning look.

Stifling their laughter, Sapnap and Skeppy quickly led the Duke upstairs, while Karl and Bad kept the cards that the butlers were playing with.

Skeppy and Sapnap scrambled around the bedroom, grabbing a change of clothes for their master, while Dream gently placed him on the bed. When the servants found a change of clothes, the Duke left them to do their work, and told them that he and his servants would return to Emsworth Manor.

Dream then remembered his little banter with George, and told the pair to inform their master, that they would spar tomorrow morning at the manor.

Sapnap and Skeppy thanked him for his help, and promised to tell George in the morning. And with that, they went their separate ways and retired for the night.


The next day, George groggily made his way to the kitchen. Skeppy greeted him and placed down their meal on the table, along with a basket of newly baked rolls.

"So... did anything interesting happen at the ball?" Skeppy asked as they broke their fast.

"Nothing much, just the Thornhopes being their usual entertaining selves."

George then remembered Antfrost's invitation, and informed his friends about the ball.

"If I remember correctly, the Velvet ball lasts for about two nights, and usually has many attendees. How on Earth will the Roscoes accommodate everyone?" Sapnap wondered.

"From what I hear, Hadleigh Hall is a rather large manor with hundreds of bedrooms. It was designed to hold many guest." George informed.

"Oh I nearly forgot!" Skeppy exclaimed, "The Duke has invited you, to spar with him this morning."

The three men quickly finished their meal, then got ready and rode to the manor. They were greeted at the door by Karl and Bad, who led them to one of the gardens inside the manor.

George suddenly felt the air leave his lungs when his eyes fell on the Duke. Dream was dressed lightly, with his head tilted to the sky. His eyes were close, and a small small tug on his lips. The golden rays of the morning sun, basked his face in a gentle light.

He looked so serene, a stark contrast to his usual taut mien, and George couldn't help but stare.

Bad then cleared his throat, drawing the Duke's attention. Dream slowly turned to address the newcomers.

"Well shall we?" Dream asked, as he held out a saber.

George composed himself, and nodded. Dream threw him the sword, which the Earl caught. The pair then took their positions at the center of the garden.

"So... are we following the proper rules of fencing?" George asked, as he examined the saber by running his finger on the dull blade.

"No, treat this as a duel to the death. Any attack goes." Dream answered calmly.

"Very well then," George said.

They both nodded to signal that they were ready, and Sapnap took the honor of announcing when to start.


Dream instantly lunged at George, who properly dodged. The brunette was quick to do his own attack, but the Duke effectively blocked it. The sound of the clashing blades resonated through the garden, as both men continued exchanging blows.

Feeling the sudden rush of adrenaline, Dream rushed towards George, blade aimed for his chest. The Earl side stepped, making the blonde run pass him. George gave his arse a little tap as he went by, which made the blonde fumble.

Dream had an incredulous look on his face, causing the brunette to laugh.

"Well, you aren't nearly as bad as you are in chess," he mocked.

Dream straightened up, then attacked the Earl again. This time George twisted the blades together, just like he had done at the ball, and sent the sword flying out of Dream's hands.

He caught it, and aimed one sword to the Duke's chest, and the other to his forehead. He shot the man a sweet smile, causing Dream scoffed. 

"You win Marleigh." Dream declared.

George lowered both blades, then threw Dream's sword back to him.

"Shall we go again?" he asked taking stance.

Amused, Dream took stance as well, before their blades clashed once more.

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