Chapter 6: Oakbury Slums

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Dream cleared his throat before entering the villa. The sweet smell of freshly baked pastries wafted by his nose, and he hurriedly made his way to the kitchen.

There he found a dark haired man twirling around the kitchen, with a tray of freshly baked biscuits. The man was startled to see the Duke, and nearly dropped the tray.

"Your Grace, you gave me a fright!" Skeppy exclaimed, before placing the tray on the table, and placing a hand over his beating heart.

"Forgive me, I was looking for the Earl." Dream said in an apologetic tone.

"My master isn't here Your Grace, he is currently in town." The butler informed.

Dream's furrowed his brows, "I believed that I informed your master to have an escort, should he leave the estate." Bad had not informed him of anything, so he was sure that the Earl did not take a servant of Emsworth.

"His valet, Sapnap, is serving as his escort your Grace." Skeppy answered.

Dream thanked the man and left. He then quickly whirled his horse in the direction of town.


"God bless you, Lord Marleigh," The frail woman said, as she received the loaf of bread from the smiling Earl.

Sapnap approached him from behind carrying some blankets, and they handed them out to the children. George had brought some money with him when he left Belheim. He used it to purchase some ingredients for bread, a variety of fruits, and a couple of blankets to distribute to the poor.

They had helped Skeppy bake the bread, and felt a warmth grow within them, when they saw the kids happily tucking into their share.

The blankets were thin, but they would get them through the night. George had to also slice the fruit so there would be enough.

After distributing the food, they both took their time to safely check on those that were sick, and to teach the children some reading and writing.

"My Lord, we are indebted to you." A father said, as George placed a damp cloth on his feverish son.

George smiled, "I am no doctor, but I believe that it's just a chill. Keep him warm and well rested, and he should be back to causing mayhem again." he said, making the father chuckled.

"I do not know if I like the sound of that," the man replied, mirth returning to his eyes.

George stood up and placed a strong hand on the man's shoulder, "Keep the faith... one day the light will return to Adelyss, and we will be free from this tyrant," he said, giving the man a reassuring smile before exiting their humble home.

"Take care that the king never hears your traitorous words," A voice spoke up from behind him.

Panic surged through George, until he realized that it was merely Dream. He let out a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here Your Grace, this is no place for men like you."

Dream quirked a brow, "you belong to the high caste too." he pointed out.

"I said men like you, Your Grace" George repeated haughtily.

George saw Dream clench his jaw at the remark, and with a victorious smile, the Earl made his way back to his horse.

"What do you mean, 'men like me?'" Dream questioned, his tone increasing as he followed the brunette.

"Calm yourself Your Grace. I would hate for this moment to be considered as a lover's spat, before we even make our relationship public," George said coolly.

Dream took a deep breath, "How exactly do see me Marleigh?" he asked again.

George turned around to smile at him smugly, and Dream felt all his anger leave him.

Blast that smile, Dream thought

"Oh I see you as a man whose only care is to increase his wealth, and will do anything to obtain what he wants. Even turn a blind eye to the suffering of his fellowmen, that is caused by a child who just happens to wear the crown." George answered as he continued walking towards his horse.

When he finally reached Maximus, he gave Sapnap a nod and they mounted their stallions. Dream also reached his steed that had a pure white coat.

"Now, is there a reason why you would come all the way to the Oakbury slums?" George asked as they slowly made their way back to the estate.

"I came looking for you. I've been invited to attend the royal ball at Royston in a fortnight, you will be accompanying me."

George stared at him with confusion, Dream wondered what he said to cause this reaction.

"Do you not approve of this plan? May I remind you that we have an agreement." Dream stated.

"No Your Grace, I just fail to see on how it was so important, that you had to come and find me immediately." George pointed out bluntly.

You bloody damned idiot, Dream scolded himself as he searched for a reasonable explanation. Truth to be told, he did this on impulse.

"My butler informed me that you did not bring a lot of things from your estate. I was concerned that you would have nothing to wear." He lied.

"Surely you could have just left a note at the villa, instead of troubling yourself to come look for me." George reasoned.

Think you bloody idiot, Dream yelled internally, but he could find no rebuttal to the Earl's point, so instead he stayed silent.

George looked at his valet, as if asking for an explanation for the Duke's capricious actions, but Sapnap simply flashed him a knowing smile. The rest of the trip was made in a comfortable silence.

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