Chapter 28: Letters from the Past

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So our fathers met in boarding school, George thought, while smiling when he realized that he got his adventurous side from his father.

He flipped a couple more pages, and saw a few letters that were attached to the journal. His breath hitched when he recognized the penmanship of the letters. They were written by his father...

Fredrick my dearest friend,

I would like to extend my congratulations for the birth of your son. I wish I could have been there to laugh at your surely troubled face, while Belinda was in labor.

I know that you are probably worried about being a good father to your little Dream, I had the same worries when Victoria had my George.

Let me offer you some free advice, for I am an incredible friend after all.

No one is truly ready to be a parent, and all you can do is take it one day at a time. Now do be understanding to Belinda, for she will certainly be more tired these days as she nurses the child.

So you will have to hold back on your nightly activities for a few months.

George stifled a laugh, before continuing to read his father's ridiculous letter.

You will most definitely be frustrated at first, but know that it will not last. Eventually you and Belinda will be able to enjoy such pleasures when Dream is a bit older.

Do remember to lock your door however, I would hate for you to repeat the mistake that me and Victoria made. Poor George would have probably been traumatized for life, had it not been for the quick actions of his governess.

We ought to introduce our sons to each other, once they are older. I am sure that they will have a wonderful friendship, just like ours.

But we must make it a dramatic meeting, shall we wait till your son's first ball?

Then we can force them to dance together just for jest of it, just like we did after we graduated.

I can still vividly remember the expressions of absolute horror that our parents wore, when they saw us waltzing around the room together.

And no offense to Belinda, but I am sure that I will forever be the best dance partner that you have ever had.

Oh, I can see George's pouting face right now as I imagine it.

Please agree to this plan Rick, it would make my little heart very happy

I miss you dearly my friend, and hope to see you soon

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