Chapter 3: The Duke and His Rules

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George wrung his hands nervously. The Dayton estate wasn't too far away from Belheim, and they would reach there before supper.

The young Earl looked out his window as they passed through the town of Oakbury. Kids that were mere skin and bones lined the street, waiting for their parents to bring back home whatever morsel of food that they could scrounged up.

His heart ached for these children. Steven is no king, he is a bloody tyrant, George declared angrily in his head.

He would never voice out his thoughts to other nobles and gentry though, for surely he would be arrested for saying something so treacherous. He could only hold onto a hope that everything would get better soon.

"My Lord we are approaching the estate," Skeppy informed him through the carriage window.

George was so completely lost in his thoughts, that he had hardly noticed how far they had already gone. When the carriage came to a stop, he took in a deep breath before the door was opened by Skeppy. He stepped down from the carriage to be greeted by a smiling Karl.

"Welcome Lord Marleigh to the Emsworth Manor. His Grace is waiting for you in his study. If you would please follow me." Karl said, motioning towards the mansion's door.

Sapnap and Skeppy were just about to unload the luggage when Karl stopped them. "His Grace has arranged for you to stay at his villa nearby. I shall take you there after my master has met with his Lordship."

George followed the excited valet through the halls. "Karl? Why exactly was I chosen? Surely there are other woman willing to play the part as the Duke's lover?"

Karl looked over his shoulder with a smile as they continued walking, "My Master prefers men, my Lord." he stated.

"Then surely that is enough to dissuade marriage offers." George reasoned.

Karl frowned as he turned away, "Unfortunately they either do not believe him, or if they did they do not care. They are after his title after all..." The valet explained sadly, before turning back to George with a smile again.

"Do you receive offers for marriage my Lord?" Karl asked.

George smiled back, "I used to."

George seemed to understand the Duke's predicament. He himself continued to receive offers for quite a bit, after he publicly announced his preference for men. Now the only offers that he got, were that of old men hoping to spend the night with him. Finally they arrived at the study, and just as Karl was about to open the door, another brunette stepped out from the room.

"Oh hello Bad, delivering the master's tea?" Karl asked.

Bad nodded with a smile, before peeking behind his friend to look curiously at George.

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