Chapter 22: Wilbur

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"When you told me that you wished for a match, I did not think that you meant a literal game," Dream stated while pouring himself a drink.

Jschlatt shot him a smile, as he remained seated in front of a chess board. "You go first," the doctor said.

Dream made his move, then looked at the doctor expectantly.

"I have yet to find the identity of the traitor. The rat continues to elude us," Jschlatt informed, as he too made his move.

"Queen said to leave the bastard alone," Dream stated calmly, before moving another unit.

"Yes, but I am also worried about Thornhope," Jschlatt stated, making Dream's focus turn to him instead of their game. "I managed to sneak into his study when I visited him. He has been exchanging letters with Steven, reports on his mission I believe."

"I already deemed him as not a threat."

"You should reconsider Rook, for I managed to see a draft of a letter that had some of our members' names on it."

Dream face suddenly grew serious.

"There is no way that he got that information on his own, for our group prides itself with being discreet," The doctor added.

"So he must have gotten hold on the traitor," Dream concluded. "This is becoming even more dangerous Bishop. I will write a letter to Queen, and ask for orders on how to proceed with the new developments."

There was no way of directly contacting Pawn, but the man would appear in their room at the Bellrose House every other day, to collect any reports that the members would bring in.

"I believe that is checkmate," Dream declared, as he cornered Jschlatt's king with his queen.

"Good game Rook," The doctor declared, getting up from his seat. "I'm heading back to my room now, we ought to prepare for tonight."

"Oh, and do learn how to control your embarrassment, you were as red as a tomato when the Earl called you Darling earlier." He smugly added.

"It was all an act," Dream snapped.

"You would make a mighty fine actor then, if you had the ability to blush so intensely on command." The doctor shot back.

"Go Bishop, before I throttle you!" Dream yelled.

Jschlatt gave him a mocking bow, "As you wish, Your Grace."


That evening, both Dream and George decided to stay off the dance floor, and instead spent the last night of the ball chatting with the Thornhopes, Roscoes, and Smiths.

"It is a pity that you all have to leave tomorrow. Hadleigh Hall will once again be lonesome without you." Antfrost complained.

"You are more than free to visit whenever you would like," Wilbur pointed out with a smile.

Just then the last dance was called. Dream shot Antfrost and Jschlatt a look, and they gave him a nod. They quickly offered their hands to their partners, and joined their rest of the dancers on the floor.

"George, be a dear and take Sally's hand would you. I do not know this dance," Wilbur requested.

The brunette smiled and guided the Duchess to the center of the ballroom, leaving Dream alone with Wilbur.

"It appears that the Chess Masters have members all around Adelyss, their exact numbers are still unknown, but it is estimated to match the numbers of the royal guard." Dream spoke in hush tones. He had to give some sort of information so he wouldn't look suspicious, though the Duke was always careful about what he chose to reveal.

"I haven't found out much lately, but if your information is true, then the King is indeed in danger." Wilbur commented.

Dream knew that he was lying, not just because Jschlatt informed him of the letters, but because the man's lips were slightly twitching upwards, as if in a tell.

"That's perfectly fine Thornhope, you are still new to this after all," Dream stated nonchalantly. "But if you ever find anything, do inform me."

Wilbur gave him a small nod, before the pair turned their full attention to their partners on the dance floor.

What does he gain from withholding information from me? Does he not trust me, or does he wish to turn the king's favor from me to him. Dream thought. He would have to include Wilbur in his report, hopefully Queen would have a counter plan for this.

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