Chapter 5: The Ruins

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George opened the cage slightly, and took the rope that was attached to the bird's feet. He then opened the cage even wider and held out his arm. "Come Tobias," he commanded, the bird obeyed and perched on its master's arm.

George slowly made his way to the stable, where he found Sapnap tending to the horses. He found an empty shelf, and decided to use it as a makeshift perch. The Earl settled the bird on it before adjusting the rope, so the bird could move around comfortably.

George then made his way to the kitchen to grab some food for the bird, and a treat for Maximus.

Just when he had finished giving Max his treat, Karl, Bad, and Skeppy joined them at the stable. "All the luggage has been moved in my Lord, there is money in the parlor should you need to purchase anything. If you need anything else, we will be back at Emsworth." Karl informed.

George thanked them, and after reassuring them once again that they did not need any staff, they went on their way. The three men toured themselves around the villa. It had three bedrooms, a kitchen, a good sized parlor room, and a study that also worked as a small library.

Skeppy headed down to the kitchen to get started on dinner, since he used to work with their chef back at Belhiem before he became a butler. Meanwhile, Sapnap helped George unpack in his bedroom.

"Having any regrets my Lord?" Sapnap asked, when he noticed that his friend had not moved from the window, since they had entered the room.

George shook his head, "I miss my mother, and of course it will take time to get used to this situation. But the Duke and I have an agreement, and I fully intend to live my life in the best way possible, while I'm here." he stated.

The three soon had supper, and after chatting for a bit more, they all headed to their rooms for the night.


George couldn't sleep, his new bed, though soft, did not offer him comfort. He felt as if the walls were closing in, and he would soon suffocate to death. With a sigh, he got up and quietly headed down to the stables. He gently woke up Maximus and saddled him, before leading him out onto the plains behind the villa.

He got on and brought his horse to a cantor, relishing in the feeling of the wind stinging his eyes. He easily maneuvered his way through the forest, as if he had been there before, and didn't stop till he came to a clearing.

Under the light of the moon, George was able to clearly see some sort of ruins to a building. Curious, he tied his horse to a nearby branch, then explored the remains. What caught his attention was a wooden trapdoor near the corner of a crumbling wall. It wasn't rotting like it should have, and it seemed to have been opened fairly recently.

He tried to lift it open, only to find it locked. He decided against breaking it, since it could possible get him in trouble.

Defeated, he headed back to his horse and rode back to the villa. Completely unaware that he was being watched, by a certain green eyed Duke in the shadows.


He certainly is a curious creature, Dream thought as he scanned through his letters the next morning.

The Duke had difficulty sleeping last night, and like George, he decided to go out for a midnight ride. He was quite surprised to find the Earl at his secret den, that not even his servants knew of. But then again, none of his servants were the adventurous type.

He remembered how his heart raced, when he saw how the gentle light of the moon illuminate the Earl's frame. The brunette's eyes twinkled like stars, as he explored the remains with great interest. He even found it adorable when the Earl huffed in disappointment, upon realizing that the trapped door was locked.

Subconsciously, Dream's lips tugged into a smile. He didn't realized it till he turned to look at the mirror in the room, and saw his goofy expression. He immediately tensed his jaw, forcing the smile off his face.

"Bloody Tarnation," he cursed as he tossed another marriage request letter, surprising Karl and Bad who were helping him sort through the letters.

Now is not the time for such thoughts Dream, he reminded himself, before his eyes fell upon an invitation to the royal ball, which was held annually.

He stood up, then reached for his coat that was draped on the settee.

"Where are you going, Your Grace?" Karl asked.

Dream held up the invitation in his hand, "I must inform the Earl of the upcoming ball."

"There is no need for you to trouble yourself which such a thing, Your Grace. Allow me to do it for you." Bad said as he started reaching for the invitation, before Dream moved it out of reach.

Bad was confused by his master's action. "I can do it, you and Karl remain here and continue sorting," Dream quickly said.

Karl smirked at his master, "Your Grace, are you merely seeking an excuse to see the handsome Earl." he teased.

"No I am not. He packed rather light, and I am sure that he left most of his clothes at his estate. I need to make sure that he has something appropriate to wear," The Duke reasoned.

"You seemed to have paid quite close attention to the Earl's luggage from the window." Karl continued smugly

"Oh, do bloody shut up!" Dream yelled before heading out the door, leaving both his valet and butler laughing inside the room.

The two brunettes were the only people who he considered close friends. They knew him better than anyone else did.

And after accompanying him for years to many different ball, they could definitely tell that the young Earl had captured their master's attention.

Dream grumbled to himself as he waited for his horse to be ready. He then made his way towards the villa.

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