The old childhood nightmare

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Nightmare: Look Charlie 2 little girls let's name them Bella and Farrah. Renee's thoughts: Oh no Farrah's a Vampire just like me. Charlie has no idea I'm a Vampire. This isn't good I need to somehow find away to take this immortality out of me and forget my past life here in Forks Washington. I'll take Farrah with me and then not tell her she's a vampire. Bella won't even have to know about her. No way what am I saying?! I don't want to do that to the girls. A few years go by. I'm sorry Charlie, but I have to go things just aren't working out like they used to.

Renee honey please I can change. It's little too late for that Charlie. You can keep Bella I won't leave you all alone and not only that, but we can switch daughters for a while until they can decide which parent they'd rather be with. But Renee! Goodbye Charlie. A few more years past I was 8 when we left I wouldn't see my sister until my JR. Year of high school.

Looks like it's just you and your old man huh Bells? Bella switched with mom to be with her until her Jr. Year of high school too. She was 10 when this happened. When mom started dating Phil I had been sent back to Forks without my dad knowing I got adopted by the Cullen's. Their dad becoming a Dr. there in Forks.

To think Bella and I had, had that same nightmare of our family separating since the separation. We had tried countless times to ask about our dreams. Charlie knew I existed, but never told Bella, Carlisle on the other hand who had helped train me and my powers and thought of me like his own knew nothing of this Bella so even if he did know something he wouldn't tell me about it anyways.

Farrah now that we're all back in Forks and your training is complete we're sending you all back to school and I'll return back to the hospital. Back? Uh em. Even though the Cullen's aren't really my family they're all I have left that I know about. They've always been like family to me, I feel like I remember my sister sometimes, but sometimes I think it's all in my head. None of that stuff can be real can it? I mean I suppose it could be considering I'm a vampire. Living with other vampires. Jasper's new too, I mean he's older than me, but he's not very good at the not eating meat thing yet.

When I mean meat I of course me human blood. I know Jake and his friends we're good friends, he as far as I know is either just like me or a human, he's my age and I remember him when I was younger always having a thing for my sister. We're best friends we all hang out and stuff. I haven't seen him since I've gotten adopted though which sucks.

So we've got Esme and Carlisle my foster parents, who I love to death by the way, Then I already told you about Jasper, his girlfriend is Alice Cullen. He's new to our group, but not as new as me. Alice is like my sister and we share the same taste in clothes most of the time anyway, it's funny to think that we're goth and yet cheerful all the time. Then there's Rose and her boyfriend Emmett. Emmett is ok with me as far as I know, but Rose is envious of me, IDK I was born this way unlike the other's that were bitten. Then last, but not least and my favorite sibling, Edward Cullen.

He can be sweet or he can be mysterious, and overprotective of me when he needs to be. He helps take care of me the most and helped dad train me. He was the 1st of our group other than Carlisle himself. He loves me like a sister, him and Alice other then our parents are the only couple who show me so much sibling affection and spoil me rotten. They're just so wonderful.

Well, I tell my dad I'm gonna go say hi to Jake and his family. Ok Farrah have fun. Uh Carlisle are you sure about that? She'll be fine we've trained her well. Now all we need to do is work on Jasper.

Hi Jake. There's my little girl. Hey Jakey I'm older than you like a year older your 15 and I'm already 16. Whatever I act older that's for sure. Hey Jake let's race to the meadow! Your old man is actually letting you out of the house he's been locking you up since you were like 8 years old. I have to be back by 11:00 my family's gonna take me to go find food. Find food?

Yeah you know like, um, we, you know go out to eat. My thoughts: Yeah nice one Farrah you can't say you hunt. That would sound suspicious. Jake's thoughts: Ha she doesn't know it, but I can read her mind, it's a wolf thing, I'm just glad she can't read mine. She'd have to either be a werewolf like me or be a vampire, but that's impossible, well not so impossible that she lives with the Cullen's who are all vampires. Ok Farr's we'll race, but I gotta warn you they don't call me the wolf for nothing.

Very funny. Ready on your mark get set go! He let me take a head start so he could change to his wolf form without me noticing. Time to catch up. She's fast. I'm gonna so be so right. Growl. My thoughts: Uh oh Wolves wait what is that sound is that Jake's thoughts? Jake where are you can you hear me?

Jake's thoughts: Yeah I can hear you get out of my head stop reading my thoughts. I would if I could, Jake I'm scared! Why you're like at the top of the food chain?!

Jake help! Jake's thoughts: Farrah slow down tell me what's following you! (If it doesn't say someone's thoughts it's being said out loud) A wolf or a bear or a large dog? IDK, but please help me! Jake's thoughts: I'm pretty sure it's a wolf kiddo. What makes you say that? Jake's thoughts: Um there's something I gotta tell you.

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