Chapter 19

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~Not Edited~

So right before Christmas, Niall met up with Harry and they did some of their christmas shopping together. Harry insisting he buy onesies and little shoes for the little tyke. "Haz, stop. I'm not due until like August." Niall chuckled and Harry just shrugged.

"How is everyone doing at home?" He asked softly and Niall just smiled.

"We're all doing great. Liam's looking for a new job so he isn't gone during the nights. Persephone and Athena are both getting older. I feel like I'm getting old."

"Please Nialler enlighten me on how old you feel." Harry rolled his eyes. "You're twenty."

"I know but I FEEL older." Niall admitted and Harry sighed. "How are things with you and Louis?"

"Things are good." Harry nodded and smiled softly. "he wants to move back to Donny, which... I guess is alright. I mean, he's not really a big city guy." Harry shrugged some. "So... He may move from London... or we may both move from London... we haven't discussed it thoroughly yet."

"Won't that be sweet." Niall smiled and Harry chuckled. Them taking photos with a few fans who'd passed them on the street. Niall was really protective of his tummy and when the girls asked him why he just smiled and whispered a small secret to them. That they promised not to tell. (Which Niall knew would come back and bite him later on), but he was planning to tell the world tomorrow afternoon, at his and Harry's next interview, and last one before the new year.

The girls just giggled and smiled and their friend took their photo, each of them having a hand on Niall's tummy. It had been an unnaturally mild winter, which left Niall in only a jumper and his sunglasses, two thumbs up behind the girls and a grin on his face. He made them promise that they'd wait until AFTER the interview to post any of the photos they'd taken, and they solemnly sweared they would.

Harry chuckled and opened the door for Niall, putting his gifts inside. "I say you've got a solid twelve minutes before Liam finds out you said something."

"I say about five." Niall chuckled and smiled at Harry who drove him home.


Later that night, Niall debated on how he'd tell the world they were together and having a baby. He decided he couldn't wait much longer so he got Liam to take a photo with him. Liam's hands on his tummy and their lips pressed together. Niall just tweeting it with a little blurb, 'we're expecting !!! (: x'

Twitter was blowing up with questions the few minutes after he'd posted it and they sought out Liam's twitter account faster than anything he's ever seen before. He just smiled at the tweets and wrinkled his nose up, reading them aloud to his smiling boyfriend. "They say they're happy for us, and they already know your name." Niall chuckled.

"Well that's what girls do." Liam smiled softly.

"they think Athena and Persephone are ours too."

"Well they are ours, but they aren't. They're mine." Liam chuckled softly and Niall rolled his eyes. He tweeted something saying the cute little kiddies were his boyfriends, and that this one would be the first they'd shared together.

Niall smiled and chuckled when he saw those girls' photo, them thinking it must've been safe because he told everyone. Liam laughed a little at it and kissed his boyfriends temple.

"Get some sleep and put down your phone. Athena wants a cake tomorrow."

"Alright, just five more minutes." Niall smiled, loving how much support he was getting for the baby, and naming suggestions were already coming in. Him tweeting they were going to go with Ares for a first name, and that they were welcome to any middle names they had to offer.

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