Chapter 37

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Two weeks later

I turn the last page and shut the book. It seems strange to have finished it. I've been reading it for so long. I sit quietly, contemplating what I'll read now that I've finished The Secret Garden. There's plenty of options, but that makes it harder to choose just one.

Just as I stand up to head to the library, there's a knock on my door. I tuck the finished book under my elbow and open the door.
"David?" I gasp. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to stay another week!"

"Yeah, I thought I would have to stay too. But I convinced them to let me out early. I tried to get them to let me leave even earlier, but they wouldn't agree," he says. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to see you, too. Especially since you're not in a hospital bed!"

"Believe me, it feels great to be out of there."

"Do you want to come in? I was just about to head to the library, but if you would rather-" he stops me.

"The library sounds perfect."

"Really? All right!"

We slowly make our way towards the library. I can see that moving too much hurts his side, so I keep my pace smooth and steady. He follows suit, favoring his uninjured side. We reach the library, and he tries to hold the door open for me. Even in pain, he's still a gentleman.

"Don't worry, I've got it," I say, taking the door handle from him.

He grins. "Thanks. But once I'm better, I'll do that for you."

"All right. But until then, I've got it covered," I say, smiling. I open the door and allow him to enter. I follow.

We wander through the rows and stacks of books together, looking for a story to get lost in. There's something mysteriously beautiful about the old books. They seem to be holding their breath, waiting for someone to open them up and learn what secrets they store inside. The moment they are opened, they seem to let out a sigh of relief, like they are glad that someone is finally appreciating the beauty they hold inside. After all, beauty hides in strange places. I like to think that it often hides between the pages of a book.

Absorbed in thought, I accidentally bump into David.

"I'm so sorry!" I whisper. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me," he says, barely glancing up. He has a book in his hands. It's dusty, brown, and, of course, old. Just like all of the books in here.

"What's that?" I say, pointing to the book curiously.

"It's called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It sounds pretty interesting. Should we give it a try?" he asks, giving me a grin.

"Hmm... " I say, tapping my chin and pretending to be thinking deeply. "Of course."

He pulls me over to a table, and we sit down next to each other. We take turns reading from the book. David helps me with the words I don't know. We read like this for what is probably an hour or two, but it feels like just minutes.

Suddenly, we hear the door slam closed. Footsteps move towards us, and a stern-looking man comes stomping towards us. David shuts the book and slides it away from us. That's obviously not going to make us look suspicious.

"And what, exactly, do you two think you are doing in here?" He demands. His brown mustache wiggles up and down with each word.

"We were just looking around, we thought we might do a bit of reading while we were here-" I start.

"Don't you know that this room is not your playground? You can't just come and go from here as you please. I've seen you come here before, and this is the last straw. I can't have two of you messing around in here! These books are ancient and rare! If anyone were to find out that we have them, they would be taken and either sold or burned. You can not ruin them! Now put that book back, and go!" he says.

David sets the book gently on the shelf. The man nods, then points toward the door. We leave the library and head back toward my room.

"Sorry about that. I seem to be getting kicked out of lots of places lately. First, your hospital room, and now here," I say.

"It's okay. I'm just glad we got to go for a while, even if it wasn't very long," he replies.

"It's too bad we couldn't bring the book. I was enjoying it."

David gives me a sly grin. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls the book out. "Actually, we did get it."

My eyes widen. "How did you- you know what, I'm not even going to ask. I'm just glad you got it," I say, grinning at the book in amazement.

"I'm glad I got it too. I like it. I don't know why, but books are beautiful, don't you think?"

"Yes, they are. "

We walk back to my room quietly, just enjoying each other's company. He walks me to my door, says goodbye with a big smile, and heads off to his room. After watching him go, I close my door softly, smiling.

I think I have found another place where beauty hides.

It hides in a blonde, stormy-eyed boy who steal books because he thinks that they are beautiful.

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