Colette x Reader (I'm A Fan Of You) *Request*

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"Oh, it's no trouble at all!~ I'm a bit of a klutz myself." They joked with a laugh as they held out their hand to Colette, making the white headed girl flintch. Edgar nudged her shoulder, making her look at him then back to the figure's hand and gently shook it.

"My name is (Y/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you!" They chirped with a bright smile that completely blinded Colette.

Her blush grew darker as she choked quietly and shakily shook the figure's hand with a nervous expression. "I-I.. I a-am- m-my name- I- y-you can c-call m-me-"

"Her name is Colette and I'm Edgar.." The emo grumbled but (Y/N) was amused by the poor girl's stammering. "Cute names!~ I'm always glad to meet fans of the Brawlers.."

Their voice was so kind and soft yet confident at the same time, it completely fascinated Colette. Not to mention how charming they were. It only added to the fan girl's flustered state.

(Y/N) quickly walked past them with a wave as they grinned with a bright gaze. "Hope to see you guys at the autograph stands!"

With that, they turned and started hurring through the crowd, leaving both of them speechless.

Edgar slowly turned to Colette with wide, confused eyes as he pointed in the direction (Y/N) left in. "What the hell was that!?" He asked with utter confusion.

Colette, on the other hand, was completely star struck as she put her hands to her reddend cheeks while her eyes sparkled with shock.

"C-Cute... Th-They said m-my name was cute...~" She murmured with an indescribable gaze. It quickly turned Edgar's confused gaze into a flabbergasted one.

"Woahhh.. Holy fuck, I don't think I've ever seen you in... such a state.." He murmured, making Colette snap her head towards her friend with wide eyes.

"Huh?! Wh-What d-do you mean!? I-I'm fine! P-Perfectly fine see!?" She stated as she held her hands out with puffed out cheeks but the punk could see right through her facade.

His scarf quickly lifted up and poked Colette several times in the head, causing her to squeak and cover her forehead while Edgar crossed his arms.

"Are you kidding me?! Look at you! You're embarrassed and shy! You're never shy!" He stated seriously as his friend rubbed her forehead.

A growl gently rumbled in the back of her throat as she looked to the side with an annoyed glare. "I'm n-not shy! Just because they called me cute! And they were really sweet and... super dreamy~ and so cool..~"

Colette lost herself in her words as her mind recalled the moment oh so very clearly. It was like a movie in her eyes and she had met her knight in shining armor.

Edgar on the other hand, sighed softly and rubbed his temple. At least she wasn't freaking out about the autographs anymore. "Alright.. Let's go find somewhere to sit." He hummed with a huff.

He gently locked arms with the fangirl as he walked down the path while Colette kept looking back to where (Y/N) dissappeared to in the crowd. "You look like you're gonna pass out." The dark man murmured as he led his friend away.


It was only fifteen more minutes till the Brawler's would show up for the autographs and there were plenty of people who were desperate to grab a signature for their own.

Colette had pleanty of time to cool down from the sudden encounter and she was back to her wild shenanigans. Jumping, frolicking, fangirling, the usual stuff.

"Oh my GOD!! I can't wait to meet Colt! Or Shelly! Even Bull or Bibi!?" She screeched with excitement while Edgar casually rolled his eyes but deep down he was happy to see his friend so excited.

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