Grom x Reader (Trust Issues) *Request*

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I slowed my pace when I approached the door. Hopefully no one else was around. I know I got to meet new Brawlers but after being a teacher, it's just really hard these days...

I quickly wipe my frown off my face with the shake of my head and grab the handle of the door. As soon as I opened the door, a loud electrical noise filled my ears while a bright light of electricity shot next to the wall by my head.

A horrifying laugh was heard as I fell to my knees and put my hands to my heart. That scared the crap out of me! Who would be crazy enough to shoot a gun inside of a-

"Hahaha! She's still kicking! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to fix this old thing!" An older woman laughed on the couch holding an electrical sniper rifle and she looked... Proud... After almost killing me.

My whole body trembled as I held back my tears and tried to ease my nerves. This woman was mental! "Grom! Oh dear..." A familiar voice was heard as it approached me and sat next to me, rubbing my back for reassurance.

"Dag nabbit Belle! What were you thinking!?" Gale shouted as the woman rolled her eyes and cleaned her rifle with a clean rag. "Ugh, stop whining, I didn't intend to hurt anyone." She gave me a dark look with a toothy grin, it was the face of pure evil. "This time..."

With a quick tug, Gale helped me to my feet and led me to a barstool in the kitchen, just across from the living room where the woman sat. Belle I believe was her name. What a cruel woman...

"Goodness... Are you okay Grom..? I know that must have been a horrible experience.." The old man mumbled while hurrying to the fridge. "I-I am... F-Fine..." I managed to squeak out.

Gale returned with a glass of lemon water and a couple of tiny sandwiches. He's so sweet. "I'm sorry about that. I should have warned you about Belle.. She's a little more on the wild side compared to others."

I quietly grabed a sandwich and took a small bite out of it, nodding softly. "I-It's okay.. I'm j-just glad I didn't get hit.." I murmured softly, my gaze gently looking to the older man. "I-I had a few questions for you.." "Of course! I'd be happy to answer anything you have to ask."

I fell silent for a moment, swallowing my food before talking. "C-Could you tell me a-about that (Y/N) person..?" Gale's expression became much warmer than before. That's always a good sign.

"Oh that (Y/N)~ They're a great person! Everyone loves them!" "Yeah, and some REALLY love them." Belle chimed in from the living room. "Wh-What do you mean by th-that..?" The words escaped my lips before I even realized who I was talking to. I'm just too darn curious.

"Oh, some Brawlers have fallen for them. They're charismatic and nice, it has attracted multiple Brawlers like Stu, Lola, Surge, Moris, and a couple of others." She stated while cleaning between the metal bars of her gun.

So they really are a good person. If all these people have fallen for them then that's a good reason to trust them I suppose. But... Does that mean I don't have a chance to become close to them...

My eyes shoot open at my own thoughts as I mentally slap myself. Why am I thinking like that?? I barely even know them! I shouldn't have those kinds of thoughts! "Oh..? Is that a little blush I see..?~"

Gale teased with a small smile on his lips. I didn’t realize that my face had heated up. I quickly pat my cheeks and shake my head, hoping to remove those thoughts from my mind.

"N-N-No, n-no! I-I just.. I just remembered s-some other questions f-for you! A-About brawling!" I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. Gale tilted his head with a soft gaze, continuing to speak with me.

That was a close one. I mean, it's not like I really do like them in that way! Just because they're nice, charismatic, charming and.. and... Oh God this might be worse than I thought! I haven't caught feelings in years and I only talked to them ONCE!!

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