It wasn't a question, it was a definite. Like I didn't have a choice in it if I thought I was going to give up. I still had to choose, remembering why I was here about what I would do with these paintings. I didn't feel though, I was even worthy enough to make that decision.

"I want to make a call, before I decide anything." She nods. I move to stand up, my hands shaky as I dial the number I knew that would be able to tell me what to do. It rung, on the second one I thought he wouldn't pick up and honestly I wouldn't blame him. Finally on the 4th one it's no longer ringing and I know he's on the other line.


"Claire, are you okay?" I frowned, he always thought I was hurt or in trouble when calling him and for some reason that bothered me.

"I-Blake left me," I take a breath, "He left me paintings, and the art director wanted to know if I wanted them moved to a museum or- or take them and..."

"You can't decide." He finishes for me. I hated how my heart quickened at the fact he already knew where I was going with this.

"He would hate it, he said he never wanted anyone to see his work. But then he sent two, two really good one's to one and I want them to see the dozens more. He deserves to be honored to be remembered."

"He does. I think he would love it either way, just because your choosing it for him." His voice helpful. I stare at one of the paintings, it was wolves, our wolves.

"I wish you could see them, he was so good at what he did." I clung the phone to my ear, wishing he was here with me and just decided for me. My mind was full of clutter compared to his, I've known that since I was little.

"I do too, I'm glad you decided to call me for help." A small smile makes it's way to my face at his soft words.

"Your the only one." I don't continue my voice getting stuck in the back of my throat at what I was saying. We say our goodbye's and I walk out of the room, taking one last look at the paintings before me.

"I'm going to send them all to museum's, but I don't ever want to see any of them leave the public eye." That was my deal, what I knew I wanted for him.

"Is there a statement, or anything that you would like to say to the press when his work gains influence?" Eddie asks flipping through his stack of papers. I take a look back at Hallie, she's watching me waiting for a reaction.

"Only thing you can say about Blake Dalton, is that he was a man who lived many lives before this one. That he never made art for anyone, but to express the darkest and brightest parts of life."

I did stick to my original plan of the appointment to get my hair done, Hallie groaned out. "Your seriously doing this?"

"I'm doing red, you should do blue." She stiffles a laugh as she sits in the waiting chair.

"Claire I'm a wolf, I'm lucky my hair isn't cut to my head." I nodded remembering the rules of being a supernatural wolf.

I sat back in the chair as the lady weaved red streaks through my hair that I didn't really desire the change, I needed the change.

"Em's going to freak on you." I laugh at the 3rd time Hallie has said this as we drove. We were in La Push now, around 6 when we finally made it. Once I saw my hair, I was completely in love with it. I looked like such an edgy rock n' roll Claire, gone was sweet and innocent.

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